Secure real estate investments create trust

Real estate franchises

Join the Real Estate Franchises with a
new real estate experience based on a
valuable brand, the best houses and flats in
sale and contact with an empathic team

Real estate franchises
Secure real estate investments create trust

Investment Property

A correct real estate investment requires
strategy, advice and determination.
Spain is a country with very broad potential and
a growing trend of growth.

Investment Property
Secure real estate investments create trust

We buy buildings

We treasure a long experience where
we buy buildings, we carry out renovations
and sale of buildings in the main
locations Do not hesitate to consult
our team and you will get the best result.

We buy buildings
Secure real estate investments create trust

Appraisal of housing

Discover how much your house is worth and decide if you
It is convenient to rent it or sell it according to the price
of the market We carry out home appraisal
so that the best financial decision is made
and get the maximum profitability.

Secure real estate investments create trust

Golden Visa

We have specialized professionals
in Golden Visa and dedicated to guide everyone
those foreign investors interested in
obtaining the residence permit by the
purchase of luxury homes.

Golden Visa
Secure real estate investments create trust

Relocation and relocation

we have the best rehousing service
and transfer, both employees and executives.
Integral assistance in the relocation
for national and international companies.


Real Estate Agencies Oi Real Estate

Find real estate agents from areas where you want specialized advice to sell or buy a house or apartment . Our advisors will guide you to reach your investment goals and purchase or sale of flats or houses.

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Real Estate Agencies Oi Real Estate
Real Estate Agencies Oi Real Estate

Real Estate Agencies Oi Real Estate

Find real estate agents from areas where you want specialized advice to sell or buy a house or apartment . Our advisors will guide you to reach your investment goals and purchase or sale of flats or houses.

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Real Estate News Oi Real Estate

Blog Oi Real Estate is a window open to the current situation of the economy and investments of the real estate sector. We provide attractive and relevant information.

Comisión inmobiliaria y la Ley de Vivienda: ¿Quién la paga?


Los procesos de compraventa y alquiler requieren la realización de una serie de pasos, documentos y pagos que están a cargo tanto de quien adquiere o alquila, como de quien vende o pone en alquiler su propiedad. En el sistema inmobiliario español, apriori a la nueva ley de vivienda, existía un vacío legal en relación

Invertir en Habitaciones de Hotel

Invertir en habitaciones de hotel: una tendencia que se impone


Desde Oi Real Estate queremos contarte todo lo que debes saber sobre invertir en habitaciones de hotel. Continúa leyendo el artículo para enterarte. Sin lugar a dudas, la industria hotelera ha crecido a pasos agigantados durante los últimos años en España. Si bien, es cierto que la última crisis sanitaria había paralizado este sector de

Invertir en Hoteles

Invertir en hoteles: una opción rentable para aumentar tus ingresos


Invertir en hoteles se ha convertido en uno de los principales pilares del sector turístico. Sobretodo en aquellos contexto de recuperación económica y adaptación a las nuevas tendencias de viaje. Con el auge de los diversos destinos emergentes, la incorporación de tecnología y la mirada puesta cada vez más en la sostenibilidad, los inversores están

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