Overcoming the worst years for construction, new aspects in the residential market begin to gain weight, such as sustainability and efficiency. And the wooden houses respond to both.

The end of the crisis and a concern for the environment, have put into value things that once seemed superficial. This is the case of building systems committed to sustainability and energy efficiency.

After a deep drought in real estate activity, many builders have had to abandon and some have survived. But nothing will ever be the same again.

The need to industrialize the process to make it profitable and the new requirements that demand greater efficiency and sustainability in the building have changed an entire industry.

In the middle of this change, some companies have started to offer a different product: buildings with wooden structure. Systems that until now were relegated to second homes and now reach multi-family buildings with urban character.

Some examples are seen in Gracia, Sants or Poble Sec. Although the most ambitious is yet to come. The building constructed in wood with greater height of all Spain.

Wooden houses with urban character

Examples of wooden houses are not new in Barcelona. The first project was the neighborhood of Coll, in the district of Gracia.

The construction was a single family house with a total area of 346m2, between a ground floor, two floors, a loft and a roof.

 In Barcelona several wooden houses have already been constructed
In Barcelona several wooden houses have already been constructed

In Sants neighborhood, very close to the station, a multi-family building with four houses was also built. The project, located in the street Melcior of Palau, preserved the original facade for preexisting a listed farm.

Also remember a project in the street calle Magalhães in Poble Sec. It was the construction of a corner building, with double facade, two medianeras and even lift. The finca was divided into six houses distributed on 4 floors.

All these projects announce not only a new way of building but also the return of another: wooden houses.

A type of construction in line with a requirement that will be mandatory in 2018. In less than a year, all public buildings must have a virtually zero consumption. Will we be prepared for it?

A building of reference in Barcelona

The old factory complex of Can Batlló has set in motion an experience that wants to serve as a model for future constructive projects. The Borda cooperative has begun to build a block of 28 homes, seven per plant with 24 meters in height.

This project will be built on a lot ceded by the Barcelona City Council. The assignment, for a period of 75 years extendable to 15 more, responds to an associative project but also sustainable and efficient.

 Can Batlló will host the tallest wooden building in Spain
Can Batlló will host the tallest wooden building in Spain

It is an entirely wood construction, developed by a team of architects. A project that will be built with methods of proven reliability and that poses a minimum environmental impact.

To finance the construction of the block, budgeted at 3 million euros budget and with a lead time of about 14 months, the cooperative has had to turn to banks. In addition to the contributions of the partners, they cover 20% of the total expenditure.

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