Being close to one of the best schools in our country is a real luxury for the owner of a home. The factor that guarantees quality education for young people in the first years of school.

Good communications, medical services of excellence and schools of international prestige are part of the requirements in the purchase of a home.

Of the means of transport and the hospital excellence we have already spoken on several occasions. But which Spanish centers lead the list of best schools?

The annual ranking ‘The 100 best schools in Spain‘, published by El Mundo, reaches its 18th edition as a school reference tool.

A guide available to parents and teachers where it is taken into account from the model of education to the educational offer or the means available in each school.

The list is a selection of 160 educational centers, organized in three rankings: the 100 best schools, notable centers and international colleges. It is a list that analyzes more than 1.000 centers taking into account 27 different criteria.

‘The 100 best schools in Spain’

The 2017-2018 edition of the ranking of 100 best private schools in Spain has centers rated between 9.6 and 8.1 on a scale of 1 to 10.

A selection of schools with large presence of schools in the Community of Madrid. Done that is again eclipsed by the leadership of a school in Barcelona: the Montserrat.

The Montserrat College has a proposal focused on learning by projects, where the student is the center and the teacher is his guide.

The top 5 are completed by the San Patricio College in Madrid, the Meres de Asturias International College, the Madrid Study College and the Montessori-Palau College of Girona.

Los 100 mejores colegios privados en España

It also highlights the presence of Agora Sant Cugat International School. A reference center located in ninth position.

Notable and International Colleges

In the second part of the classification there are 30 centers scored between 8 and 7.6. A list of ‘Notables’ schools led by the Purity of Mary College located in Madrid.

The last part of the ranking, formed by International Centers, is headed by several Andalusian schools. They are the Aloha College of Málaga, the British school of Cordoba, the San Pedro International College and the Sotogrande International School.

Relative aspects such as the educational plan, the teaching team or the resources available place these schools above most centers.

Criteria for center’s selection

Among the 27 criteria that are taken into account there are three groups of fundamental criteria:

The teaching model, with a maximum value of 39 points: It includes the educational model, external recognition, quality models, educational coverage, student assessment, tuition price, supply-demand ratio, loyalty index and teacher care.

The educational offer, with a maximum value of 34 points: The languages taught, the level of the teaching staff, the support staff, hours dedicated to tutoring, reinforcement for special needs and abilities, results in selectivity, non-academic activities and medical services.

Modelo de enseñanza, oferta educativa y medios materiales distinguen a los mejores colegios

The material means, with a maximum value of 27 points: The number of students per classroom, number of students per teacher, available space, space reserved for classrooms, available computer equipment, transportation to the center, dining service, available laboratories and sports facilities.

Aspects that make some Spanish schools authentic reference centers.


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