The bicycle is gaining strength as a means of transport for intercity trips in various Spanish capitals. Although we are far from using it in cities like Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Berlin, the number of bike-friendly cities increases.

Taking advantage of the celebration of World Bicycle Day, it is worth to review the great urban examples that we can find in our country.

Bike-friendly cities such as Barcelona in expansion, the geo-localizable bicycles of Seville, the solidarity example of Cordoba, the sustainable transport of San Sebastián or the destination of the forum on cycling culture, Zaragoza.

These five cities participate in good measure of the excellent data of the Barometer of the Bicycle in Spain. In it it is estimated that nearly 4 million citizens of our country use the bicycle as a means of transportation daily.

Health, mobility and respect for the environment are some reasons to pedal daily and leave the car at home. But, is it possible to move on a bike also increases the price of housing?

April 19th: Bicycle Day

The annual celebration of the World Bicycle Day allows us to see the progress of cycling culture around the world. A habit with health benefits, for the environment or the sustainability of transport. Besides a way of makes compatible work and leisure.

This revolution has arrived in Spain relatively recently, and although 3.8 million Spaniards know to use the bicycle every day, we are still far from other European countries. From 31.3% of Dutch people cycling to 13.1% of Germans.

Uso de la bicicleta en España

Some of those who do not add up claim that, in addition to the lack of time, there are many limitations in their own city puts to use the two wheels.

Even so, the average profile of the cyclist begins to be very defined. Among men, the majority are under the age of 40, unlike women, and have higher education.

In fact, having bicycle lanes and a good public service that provides bicycles is an issue that matters to many residents. And to some extent, it also influences the real estate market.

Districts in bike-friendly cities

Taking advantage of the expansion of the bicycle culture in Spain, the portal has developed an infographic with the most attractive districts and districts for cyclists.

Zones distributed in the five big cities bike-friendly of Spain:


With more than 696,000 inhabitants, Seville exceeds 140 km of bike path and has 250 information points. A network that covers more than 50% of their properties.

Among the best neighborhoods to enjoy the two wheels stands out the Casco Antiguo, where a half property is for sale for € 301,303 and for rent for € 1,007 / month.

Although it is also worth considering the neighborhoods of Triana and Nervión. Both exceed 275,000 euros and 870e / month, for sale and rent respectively.

After a decade of operation, the Bicing has 6,000 bicycles and 464 stations throughout the city. In addition to km and km of bike lanes that will connect the city with the Llobregat and Besós ends. Covering 95% of the residential market in 2018.

The district most appreciated by Barcelona cyclists is Les Corts. An area where the average property for sale costs € 473,767 and for rent € 1,925 / month. Ahead of L’Eixample, where is the only Brompton Junction Store, Spanish, and Ciutat Vella.

Ciudades bikefriendly en España


With a little more than 326,000 inhabitants, Cordoba has 52 km of bike lanes as well as a solidarity loan service and several routes that cross its old town.

The municipality of Cordoba assumes that 53% of residential properties belong to neighborhoods bike-friendly. In this sense, the most quoted neighborhoods are Huerta de la Reina, Arruzafilla and Figueroa, next to the district Center. Neighborhoods where sales prices are managed above 187,000 euros and rent above 620 € / month.


Zaragoza has more than 120 km of excellently articulated bike lanes, with which awaits the arrival of the first Cyclist Culture Forum.

So far, the cycling network of the Aragonese capital covers 38% of its residential park. Of particular note are the Centro district, where a dwelling is an investment of € 238,564 or a rental of € 635 / month.

Als the University district and neighborhoods like El Rabal and Las Delicias.

San Sebastian

The capital of Donostia is one of the cities that bets on public transport and tourism in terms of sustainability.

Its 52 km of bike paths reach 44% of the real estate market, from sea to mountain.
San Sebastián has some of the most exclusive streets in Spain. Therefore it should not be surprising that your most quoted neighborhood has an average sale price of € 604,023 and rental of € 1,372 / month.

Above Gros, Egia and Riberas de Loiola.

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