The highest district of Gracia is also one of the most buildable areas of Barcelona. It is Vallcarca, which after a long abandonment faces its urban reorganization.

The project, involved in the so-called social urbanism, will affect the triangle formed by Avda Vallcarca, Becquer Street and Farigola Street. An area where there are plentiful land and buildings in poor condition.

El nuevo objetivo del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona pasa por rehabilitar dichas fincas, limitando la construcción de viviendas y generando zonas verdes y sostenibles.

A neighborhood model that could be taken to other areas of the city.

Future project for Vallcarca

The reorganization of the Vallcarca neighborhood hosted a contest in which up to 23 different projects were presented. Being the winner the project ‘Arrels’ of the architect Carles Enrich and his team.

This project proposes to optimize the use of existing resources, sensitizing the historical heritage of the neighborhood and putting its water importance in value. In fact, the area hosts the outflow of the streams of Vallcarca and Tomillo.

Proyecto 'Arrels' para el barrio de Vallcarca

The affected area includes the streets Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, Calendau, Cambrils and Tomillo. In addition to Vallcarca Avenue. A space that will house its current buildings and include a total area of ??15,443 square meters.

The project for Vallcarca includes 6,000 m2 of public housing, 2,570 m2 of urban orchards and a multipurpose space of 1,000 m2. In addition to a space for the production of renewable energies equipped with a pergola formed by 300 photovoltaic plates, a biomass boiler with a deposit of 24 m3 and almost 4,500 m2 in living spaces.

Barcelona’s privileged area

Located at the top of Gracia, and the city of Barcelona, ??Vallcarca allows you to see two large parks that separate it from the urban fabric. It is the Park of the Putxet and Park Güell.

It also has a characteristic urban design, based on steep streets and green spaces that preserve the tranquility of the neighbors.

A privileged area that, like the area of ??Tres Turons (Rovira, Carmel and Creueta del Coll), hopes to change the north of Barcelona in the coming years.

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