The three winning metro stops in the FAD, Awards for Architecture and Interior, correspond to the new construction of the L9 South

Europa Fira, Parc Logístic and Mercabarna metro stations have been awarded in the FAD awards in the category of interior design. Garces aggressive proposal-de Seta-Bonet Arquitectes and TEC4 Enginyers Consultors -which many users still struggling to understand that the works are completed- has made the team of architects took the stage of the Design Hub Barcelona to collect their award .

The jury valued in a very positive way the project of the architects, “is a modern ruin that works almost museological or stage, as if it were an archaeological site.” It was also assessed that “the choices of lighting, location of controls, signaling, acoustic panels and natural light inlets, equip the interiors of great nobility”.

The FAD Architecture Prize 2016 goes to Portugal. The Arquipélago – Contemporary Arts Center was created by the architects João Mendes Ribeiro, Cristina Guedes and Francisco Vieira de Campos from the studio architects Menos é Mais. Arquipélago emerged from the reconstruction of an old factory of alcohol and snuff form the nineteenth century in a contemporary art center.

In the category of City and Landscape 2016 it has been awarded the viewpoint Da Pedra Da Rá artist Carlos Seoane. The viewpoint is located in the Galician town of Riveiro, where lies an impressive rock crowning the enclave.

The latest award corresponds to the International category and has gone to Mexico City. Córdoba Reurbano is a remodeled building where the original structure of the building and new more modernist and minimalist contributions come together, where the dark windows and ceilings predominate. “A brave and intelligent transformation of a historic building in downtown Mexico City” exposes the court. In this category the work abroad of Spanish or Portuguese architects are rewarded. This is how the Spanish Eduardo Cadaval and Clara Solà-Morales, Córdoba Reurbano designers, have won the prize.

córdoba reurbano
The large windows provide light in the upper floors of the building Reurbano Córdoba.

A total of 496 projects have competed in the 58th edition of the FAD Awards, one of the oldest and best known of Spain and Portugal. Students have also had a space for them. ‘Habitácola Awards’ honor the future architects and this year they have to present a project related to the use of roofs.

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