The city of Barcelona joins the global phenomenon of gic cities pedestrianization with the superblocks. After the implementation of the pilot project in Poblenou, it is now extended to other neighborhoods.

After its first pilot test in the Poblenou, Barcelona City Council will begin the redesign of superblocks network facing 2018.

These are six new projects installed in the districts of Eixample, Gracia, Les Corts and Horta that will incorporate improvements regarding the model implemented in Poblenou.

A plan that seeks to radically transform Barcelona’s urbanism, pedestrianizing it and restricting vehicle traffic. An idea that can become a new benchmark of success or a failure, depending on how it is developed.

Project that started in Poblenou

Superblocks are revolutionary concept for cities invaded by cars, like Barcelona. A project that took shape last September in the neighborhood of Poblenou.

At that time, the area between Tánger, Llacuna, Pallars and Badajoz streets became a pilot project. And the extension of the plan to all neighborhoods as the final goal.

In September 2016 the superblock controversy of Poblenou began
In September 2016 the superblock controversy of Poblenou began

The basic idea is to free up the space of 8,000 square meters between the four inner crosses of the superman. A space that cars give to pedestrians, but also affects neighbors and professionals working in the area.

This is the pending issue that must be resolved by the City Council and that threatens to make an ambitious plan fail.

New phase in superblocks

The start-up of six new superblocks in Barcelona will transform four new districts of the city: Eixample, Gracia, Les Corts and Horta.

Its presentation opens a period of agreement with the neighbors and opposition groups, with a view to its implementation in 2018. A year in which we will see transformed areas of: Les Corts, Sant Antoni, L’Esquerra de l’Eixample, Vila de Gracia, the Camp d’en Grassot and Horta.

Barcelona plans to launch six new superblocks in 2018
Barcelona plans to launch six new superblocks in 2018

Its redesign also includes improvements in the existing superblocks in Poblenou.

Place where it will open a lane of circulation with restricted speed in the street Roc Boronat. The area of Sancho de Avila, between Roc Boronat and Llacuna, will also be completely pacified. And the street Almogàvers will be redeveloped, between Roc Boronat and Llacuna. To finally unite the street Almogávers with the renewed street Pere IV.

Once these projects are consolidated, the view is placed on the future superblocks of Nou Barris and Sant Andreu.

Pedestrianization of big cities

The pedestrianization of Barcelona, with the superman, or of Madrid with the restrictions on vehicles of the Gran Via, are part of a global urban phenomenon.

However, not all cities have managed to decongest their urban center successfully. It is a transformation that needs consensus and flexibility in positions.

Making cities accessible, healthy and attractive is a struggle in which just the first steps are being taken. How far will we be able to give up?


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