Spain is placed among nations with more free movement agreements. A fact that rise the value of the Spanish passport worldwide.

If we think in powerful countries, quickly we recall G8 members and states with larger fortunes according to Forbes. Si pensamos

Even though there is an other kind of power. The one possessed by citizens of countries with a great number or free movement agreements. A list known as Passport Index, studies the 200 countries worldwide with more travelling facilities.

This ranking shows the potential of each state from the number of visa-free destinations.

A list in which the Spanish passport comes out very reinforced.


The Spanish passport claims

Germany and Sweden posses the most valuable passports worldwide. From this two countries is possible to travel to 158 visa-free destinations.

Spanish, French, Swiss and British are the second luckiest, with 157 countries to travel.

Passport Index’s list highlights countries with more free traveling places allowed.

1. Access to 158 countries: Germany and Sweden.
2. Access to 157 countries: France, Switzerland, Spain and United Kingdom.
3. Access to 156 countries: Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, South Korea and Norway.
4. Access to 155 countries: Singapore, Luxembourg, Austria, Portugal and USA.
5. Access to 154 countries: Greece, Ireland and Japan.
6. Access to 153 countries: Canada and New Zealand.
7. Access to 152 countries: Czech Republic and Hungary. República Checa y Hungría
8. Access to 151 countries: Malta, Malaysia, Iceland and Australia
9. Access to 150 countries: Poland.
10. Access to 149 countries: Slovenia and Slovakia

31 nationalities which freedom of movement opposes to the citizens of Afghanistan, where is only possible to travel to 24 countries without a previous request.

A genuine Visa Gold

The Spanish state, which a year ago was in sixth position, climbs to a second place compared with other european countries. .

This is a clear advantage for both, travellers and investors, by cheaper and easier access with the Spanish passport.

The Spanish passport, among which opens more doors in the world
The Spanish passport, among which opens more doors in the world.

An scenario that largely relies on the Spanish law, that grants the resident permit to foreigners that acquire properties or invest capital over 500.000 euros. The well known Golden Visa.

By this measure, investors outside the European Union have left behind political issues for a new life in Spain.

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