The Market of Sant Antoni begins the last phase of works with an opening date: April 2018. A time expected by neighbors and merchants.

The redevelopment of the Sant Antoni Market, one of the areas with the most projection of Barcelona, ??includes the pacification of the most traveled areas. Especially the one of the crossing of the streets Comte Borrel and Tamarit.

Although access will also be limited to the different sections alongside Manso, Floridablanca, Comte Urgell and Viladomat.

The new market of Sant Antoni, not only modernizes its interior design, but also recovers the four old squares that surrounded the enclosure.

Green areas and multifunctional spaces for a business forum open Monday to Sunday. A nod to the Eixample of Ildefons Cerdà.

Remodeling Sant Antoni and its neighborhood

The redevelopment of Sant Antoni will be open to the public during the spring of 2018.

Of the last two phases of the project, the first raises the pacification of the streets that limit with the market. As well as the intersection of Comte Borrell and Tamarit streets.

Plano del Mercado de Sant Antoni y sus alrededores

In this way, they recover the four squares that formerly surrounded the market.

While the second, and final phase, contemplates the extension of the perimeter reserved for pedestrians. An intervention that affects the streets that cross with Comte Borrell, from Manso to Floridablanca. As well as Tamarit, from Comte Urgell to Viladomat.

Preference for pedestrians

The new design of the market environment will give priority to pedestrians and bicycles, restricting access to other vehicles. Placing the whole area on a platform to a single level.

The project includes a margin with a width of four meters with mixed circulation of cars and bicycles. It will also open a space of 5 to 6 meters wide with vegetation and areas to sit.

Not to forget an area reserved for the celebration of activities and the meeting between neighbors. All these spaces have been agreed with the participation of the neighborhood.

Neighborhood area and Sunday market

One of the great novelties will be an area of ??700 m2, reserved for activities of all kinds.

Here will be installed a fully equipped cooking class. In addition to multipurpose spaces for young people and public entities.

Marquesinas que rodearán el mercado dominical de Sant Antoni

The new Sant Antoni Market will also debut the redesign of its Sunday Book Market. A total of three fixed canopies surround the building. In addition to a fourth retractable type, and completely uncovered, it will be located on Comte Borrell.

Spaces that will integrate the life of the market with that of the residents and professionals of the area.

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