The German Pavilion designed by Mies van der Rohe, celebrates 30 years of its reconstruction and a series of official events will follow because of its anniversary

The Universal Exposition in Barcelona in 1929 hosted the pavilion for the first time and almost sixty years later is settled in Barcelona, this time indefinitely. The German Pavilion is now celebrating the 30th anniversary of its reconstruction by the architects Oriol Bohigas, Ignasi de Solà-Morales, Cristian Cirici and Fernando Ramos.

The reconstruction was adapted to the architectural techniques of the time but, as says Ivan Blasi –coordinator the pavilion on conceptual issues–, such as the use of materials, worked carefully choosing materials and looking at all the details as Mies van der Rohe did.

The building was first used for the official opening of the German section of the Universal Exhibition of 1929. It was commissioned by the Weimar Republic in order that other countries could echo the currency of the country through its architecture. For the creation of this space, the architect used the steel, marble and glass as main materials, which were materials little used at the time and thus became one of the reference works of modern architecture.

With works like this, Mies van der Rohe was considered one of the fathers of modern architecture and the works that followed the German Pavilion –the Farnsworth house, Villa Tugendhat and the Neue Nationalgalerie (New National Gallery)– which at the end was confirmed.

Although the German architect is very important in the world of architecture and design figure, there are still many that the name Mies van der Rohe grates in them ears. To protect the legacy of architect Mies van der Rohe Foundation was created in Barcelona. The institution is responsible for organizing many cultural activities to disseminate and reflect on contemporary architecture. Since 1988 awarded, every two years, the prestigious Prize for Contemporary Architecture European Union –Mies van der Rohe Prize–, rewarding buildings like the Oslo Opera House, the Kursaal or the National Library in Paris, among others.

Miriam Giordano, a member of the foundation, explains the purpose to publicize the building taking advantage of its 30th anniversary: “We want to use the anniversary to the maximum possible number of people know and understand the relevance of the space”. On June 1 will take place the official ceremony of the anniversary, which will have institutional presence and all those who participated both in recovery and in its operation.

The event will include a dance show organized by Toni Mira, an art installation of Luis Martinez Santa-Maria and succeeding them, four days of open doors with many activities of music, art, film and dance.

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