Children’s education is fundamental and a priority for all parents. If you are thinking of buying a house these are the best neighborhoods in Madrid with the best schools in the city. Buying a house in a strategic area of ??Madrid can raise the chances that the child will end up entering a good school. In addition it is much more comfortable for the child to go to a center near the family home.

After several previous studies in the market it has been concluded that the best schools are usually in the areas with the highest income and the price of housing is also higher. To this end, the price of m2 and the average quality of schools have been analyzed. Neighborhoods where the m2 average price exceeds 5,000 euros tend to have better schools.

Neighborhoods in Madrid with good prices and quality teaching


Among the neighborhoods that present a good relationship between the quality of their schools and the price of m2 are the following. On the one hand we find the neighborhood of Peña Grande with 2700 euros per m2. The neighborhood of Valverde follows with a price of 2041 euros per m2 and Pacifico with a price of 3,400 euros per m2. Aluche is, without a doubt, one of the cheapest neighborhoods with quality schools. Its price per m2 is 1830 euros.

The districts with the best teaching quality and prices

Among the districts that present a high quality education are the district of El Retiro with an average of 4080 euros per m2, the area of ??Fuencarral-El Pardo with an average price of 2,996 euros per m2. Hortaleza is another of the areas that stand out with a price of 3,066 euros per m2. The Moncloa-Aravaca area could not be missing from this list with an average price of 3,637 euros per m2.

Quality private schools in exclusive areas

If you are looking for a quality private school, you will generally find yourself in an exclusive area of ??the city. For example, in Salamanca area there are numerous private schools with very good average students grades. But there are also a total of eleven public schools with average grades higher than those of other areas.

The most expensive neighborhoods in Madrid

Neighborhoods in Madrid

Regarding to those neighborhoods that have higher m2 prices in Madrid, the first of them is Recoletos. This area is part of Salamanca district. It is a place delimited by streets such as Príncipe de Vergara, Alcalá, Paseo Recoletos, Marqués de Villamagna and Don Ramón de la Cruz.

Precisely in this area we also find homes with a higher appraisal amount. Specifically, we find them in Velázquez Street, Goya Street and Serrano Street. It is an area that presents the highest appraisal values ??in regard to second-hand housing. This is true when marking an unitary average of 5,300 m2. However, in these areas there are still higher appraisal values ??than these but they correspond to new construction homes.

In this area an average appraised house corresponds to a 175 m2 house. But at present the houses that are being built have an average of around 300 m2. All this with units for about 4,600 to 4,800 m2, depending on certain streets.

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