The city of Barcelona once again surprised us with two new restaurants. Projects that will make even more succulent gastronomic offer in Barcelona.

Where will the new referents of Barcelona gastronomy be found?

The good weather of spring has given way to an early summer in the city of Barcelona.

Sun time and enjoy the cuisine here or there. That is why they are constantly announcing novelties in the form of new premises and proposals.

On this occasion Barceloneta and Eixample are the two scenarios chosen for two projects linked to the gastronomy of Barcelona.

‘Can Manel’ has relief

Among the classics of Barceloneta, Can Manel is a gastronomic institution.

A restaurant of reference that closes to give way to a new gastronomic project in Pg Borbó.

Can Manel y la gastronomía de Barcelona

Martí Domènech, the great-grandson of the founders, and the investor Milos Klimek have joined Enric Pérez, head of Quonia. New owner of the property that is fully involved in recovering the essence of a centennial establishment.

Rehabilitated the structure of the building, the current objective is to restore the image of the restaurant in the early twentieth century.

By giving a new tenant, Degusplus (company of the Klimet), and inaugurating a new establishment for lovers of fish and Mediterranean cuisine.

Gastón Acurio brings ‘Yakumanka’

As its website says, Yakumanka represents the Peruvian cuisine of the sea.

Connected to almost fifty restaurants around the world and an authentic master of ceviche, Gastón Acurio once again chooses Barcelona for a new restaurant of reference.

Gastón Acurio y la gastronomía de Barcelona

It is a cevichería that will open its doors next August in the middle of the Eixample of Barcelona. The restaurant, located on Calle Valencia with Enric Granados, wants to recreate the atmosphere of the restaurant La Mar. Located in Lima.

One of the most successful of Acurio, the most international chef in Peru. With the classic Peruvian ceviche and the succulent cuisine typical of the Andean country.

This project, which aims to be a reference for expansion in other cities will have 300 m2, a double bar and capacity for 50 diners.

Another new challenge for a chef that we enjoyed in the summer letter of Carme Ruscalleda for the restaurant Moments. An establishment of the Hotel Mandarin Oriental with 2 Michelin stars.

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