The residential park has not just been digested fast enough in the last year, just 4.3% of the available housing stock has been sold.

The demand for new construction is driving the construction of housing. But still, the stock of unsold housing is still hundreds of thousands of real estate.

The Ministry of Development has just published two new documents. The Report on the new housing stock 2016′ andEstimation of housing stock’.

In the first one, the slowdown in the absorption of the available stock with only a drop of 24.3% of the accumulated park in maximums is realized.

While the second shows a growth in the global housing stock that increases by 9% compared to 2016.

Up to 491.693 stocks in stock

In 2016, Spain accumulated 491,693 homes pending sale. Only 4.3% less than in the previous year despite the recovery of the real estate market.

Despite this, it is a figure comparable to that of 2007 when a housing stock of 413,642 units was reached.

Stock de vivienda sin vender en España

With 2016, there are seven consecutive years of loss of surplus in the residential park. A stock that originated during the real estate boom and has been gradually falling in 2010 (-1.1%), 2011 (-2.5%), 2012 (-6.9%), 2013 (-3.3% ), 2014 (-5%) and 2015 (-4.1%).

In this way, the new work pending sale that reached 649,780 properties (20o9) has fallen to 491,693 buildings (2016). 24.3% less in seven years.

Half of the housing stock in three Autonomous Communities

Currently there is a portfolio of homes to sell on the total stock of 1.92%. This fall in the number of real estate has occurred in all communities. Although in some, such as the Basque Country (-34.39%), the sale of surplus has been intense.

The stock of provinces like Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya, Gualdalajara, Huelva, Huesca or Lugo has also fallen significantly. All of them above 10% of the total housing stock.

Stock de vivienda sin vender por provincias y comunidades autónomas

At the level of autonomous communities, three accumulate up to 49.61% of the national stock of housing to be sold. They are Andalusia, Catalonia and the Valencian Community.

While the communities with the highest proportion of stock over the total number of properties are Balearic, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Castilla La Mancha, C. Valenciana, Murcia and La Rioja.

Spain adds 2.6 million homes

At the end of 2016, the Spanish residential park had a total of 25,586,279 homes. Adding 44,364 properties (+ 0.2%) more than the previous year.

A figure in which it is possible to take into account two aspects: the type of dwellings (habitual or vacacional) and its geographical distribution.

Of the more than twenty-five million homes surveyed in 2016, 19.05 million were regular homes (+0.4% year-on-year) and 6.53 million second homes (-0.5%).


Parque residencial nacional, por autonomías y provincias

By region, the regions with the highest total housing stock are Andalusia (4.41 million), Catalonia (3.9 million), the Community of Valencia (3.17 million) and the Community of Madrid (2.9 million) .

Meanwhile, at the provincial level, those with more housing, besides Madrid (2.9 million), are Barcelona (2.6 million), Valencia (1.4 million), Alicante (1.9 million), Malaga 908,000) and Seville (898,000).

A million that have led Spain to add 2,362,507 homes in a decade. From 23.49 million in 2006 to 25.48 million in 2016.


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