With Spain in the Top 5 of the great congress destinations and both Barcelona and Madrid in the same position, business tourism generates great benefits inside and outside each fair.

Besides beeing beach destination that will attract more than 70 million tourists in 2017: Spain is also a world congress destination.

Our country, with Barcelona and Madrid as outstanding cities, has established as one of the five most frequented destinations in business tourism.

The latest data from the ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) and the report ‘The Business Tourism in Spain’, made by The Ostelea and EAE Business School, show the Spanish success.

Business tourism brings economic impact, but also the arrival of numerous visitors

With its arrival, our country receives millions of which 27% go to the organizers. While the other 73% benefits such disparate sectors as accommodation, transportation, catering or other services.

A reason to value investment in hotels and luxury apartments, which does not depend on the sun or the beach but on business.

The impact of congresses in Spain

Fourth largest country in terms of congresses, our country has positioned itself in business tourism. Let’s see some striking numbers.

Spain hosted a total of 572 events in 2015 (+ 2% compared to 2014). Seeing only surpassed by United States, Germany and United Kingdom.

Spain celebrated 572 business and congress events in 2015
Spain celebrated 572 business and congress events in 2015

The participants to this type of meetings total up to 4.84 million people. This represents 7.1% of the total number of tourists arriving in 2015 (+ 12.3% compared to 2014).

The average time of each stay in 2015 was 2.05 days, which accustomed to go beyond the event and leave benefits in each destination.

Its economical impact was close to 5,200 million euros in 2015. A 3% higher than the one invoiced in 2014.

Among the most prominent sectors, events related to medical-health specialists surpass educational ones in the university sphere and to the cultural ones (music, art …).

Barcelona and Madrid in business tourism

The two large Spanish cities, Madrid and Barcelona, occupy a preferred place in the international ranking of congresses.

According to ICCA, Barcelona ended 2015 as the third congress destination with 180 business events. While Madrid occupied the fifth place with 171 events, the same as London.

In number of participants, ‘Business Tourism in Spain’ includes all those who attended international congresses during 2014. It is here that both cities gain even more weight. Barcelona is second with 127,469 people and Madrid third with 91,452 people.

 The data recorded in 2014 left a large number of participants
The data recorded in 2014 left a large number of participants

Numbers that should not be left as a simple anecdote since they are an indicator of the dynamism and degree of international openness of a country’s economy, according to The Ostelea and EAE Business School.

Its impact contributes to a great extent to the impulse of other sectors and to position the image of the country.


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