Last Thursday, the streets of Barcelona filled up with people in order to celebrate Sant Jordi ´s Day.

It was a sunny, clear day during which people were coming and going along the streets of Barcelona.

Some people were looking for special literatute works in order to have them autographed by the authors. Some others just looked for roses in order to show their love to the beloved ones.

El Día de Sant Jordi es una jornada especial para disfrutar en familia de rosas y libros
Sant Jordi ´s Day is a special occasion to enjoy roses and books together with our beloved ones

Barcelona awaits every year in order to celebrate this special day, day on which books and love are the main characters.

Jeweller´s Carrera y Carrera together with Oi Real Estate were also willing to celebrate and agreed to give presents to all those passing by the store, located in the emblematic Paseo de Gracia.

Sant Jordi was celebrated on this special spring day and Carrera y Carrera (Pg de Gracia, 101) took that opportunity to get to know its customers.

Some people came into the store and enjoyed its variety in jewelry together with their families and some others just chose gifts for themselves. OiMgzn sales team was also at the store and gave the clients a warm welcome by offering them a rose and a glass of champagne.

Clients and bloggers were also present at the store. Some of them were Rakel López and Abel Hernández. Let´s see some of the pictures taken to them during the morning of Sant Jordi ´s Day.

Los clientes de Carrera y Carrera no se perdieron este Sant Jordi tan especial
Carrera y Carrera clients didn´t miss Sant Jordi ´s Day at the store
Sant Jordi es un día para celebrar, junto a OiMgzn, con una rosa y una copa de champagne
Sant Jordi ´s Day is a chance to enjoy a rose and a glass of champagne, together with OiMgzn
Imagen de una de las piezas exclusivas que Carrera y Carrera nos mostró por Sant Jordi
Picture of one of the exclusive pieces of jewelry of Carrera y Carrera in Sant Jordi ´s Day
Laura y Sergio, de OiMgzn, no se perdieron este Sant Jordi en el Pg de Gracia
Laura and Sergio, representing OiMgzn, didn´t miss Sant Jordi ´s Day in Pg de Gracia
Una visitante a la tienda de Carrera y Carrera en el Pg de Gracia por Sant Jordi
A client of Carrera y Carrera, Pg de Gracia, in Sant Jordi ´s Day
Libros y rosas son la excusa perfecta para compartir una sonrisa por Sant Jordi
Books and roses are the perfect excuse to smile for Sant Jordi ´s Day

Another year in which Barcelona celebrates Sant Jordi ´s Day.

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