The transformation of some of the neighbourhoods of Barcelona has resulted in a creative, cultural and residential landscape. That is the case of Poble Sec Neighbourhood, one of the new trendy areas of the city.

Barcelona is a city in constant evolution. Those who visited it for the 1992 Olympics or the 2004 Forum would be surprised if they decided to come back to the city now. The capital has not lost its essence but its landscape is quite different.

After Sant Antoni‘s first attempt to attract more residents, some other destinations, for instance Poble Sec, are also trying to adapt to the ‘new’ Barcelona.

Who would ever say that the back area of Poble Sec may look like this? This is a picture taken from Brummell Hotel.
Who would ever say that the back area of Poble Sec may look like this? This is a picture taken from Brummell Hotel.

The first thing that calls our attention is the incorporation of bars with lively terraces and restaurants offering the best modern gastronomy.

Moreover, new entrepreneurs and residents arriving from other districts quickly adapt themselves to the autenticity of Poble Sec, from the music hall on Parallel Avenue to bars on Blai Street. Everyone visiting the neighbourhood surely falls in love with it.

Poble Sec is constantly looking for ways to make a difference, for example, by means of its creativity or the singularity of some of its facilities. Let’s get to know some of the new businesses in the neighbourhood.

A different type of resident

With a labour population and an orography found around its steep streets, Poble Sec Neighbourhood was born in mid 19th century. However, its urban design had nothing to do with the one of Eixample Neighbourhood. Today, the area is looking for a change involving its inventiveness and the lively nature of its spaces.

Brummell Hotel (C/ Nou de la Rambla, 174) is part of the new design of the neighbourhood. It is a boutique hotel opened in 2015 that has been perfectly integrated to the landscape.

In its interior, young European designers have used traditional and natural materials in order to make its modern spaces more lively, an idea inspired by architect Geoffrey Bawa. This tiny urban oasis offers an authentic experience, mirroring the style of the neighbourhood and of the city itself. A really sense experience for its guests!

Brummell Hotel is one of the most original facilities in Poble Sec
Brummell Hotel is one of the most original facilities in Poble Sec

Some other projects that want to make their marks in the neighbourhood have chosen not to rehabilitate a space but to build it.

Following the sustainable construction line in Barcelona, the architecture firm Betarq Group has chosen to introduce the idea of responsible and ethical tourism to the neighbourhood. The result was the Magalhanes building, a wooden house that reduces heating and air conditioning consumption in a 50% and water consumption in a 90%.

This 450 m2 house, distributed into 3 floors and 100% recyclable, is aimed at minimizing its environmental impact. It is one of the two wooden buildings in the city, although it is still not comparable to the 1000 m2 detached house in Begur (Costa Brava), the largest wooden building in Spain.

Combining work and residence

Poble Sec is the perfect neighbourhood to combine residence and work, without the need of huge spaces but making the most of the areas by implementing creative ideas.

The attraction of new entrepreneurs to shared working spaces is one of the most preferable options for freelance professionals and startups. Coworking spots strengthen professional growth, allow people to share their projects and encourage networking.

In order to combine such a dynamic with the personal well being, Crec Community (C/ Blesa, 27) offers a reformed factory premise located right in the heart of Poble Sec.

CREC, a coworking space in the heart of Poble Sec
CREC, a coworking space in the heart of Poble Sec

Crec offers an ample space with working desks, training and meeting rooms and also therapy and relaxation areas. It is a huge office with 80 coworkers, where work and daily life live together in perfect armony.

However, nothing better to cope with stress and pressure than reconciling with your inner self. After getting to know the creativity of Brummell, now we will get to know a really naturalistic space.

The Garage (C/ Magalhães, 2) is the main spot for yoga lovers in the neighbourhood. It is run by Verónica Blume, who is constantly unveiling the benefits of this practice, especially as a personal shelter. The pictures by photographer Manuel Outumuro decorated the walls of the studio on the day of its opening. The space is as natural as Blume herself.

The Garage is the latest proposal of Verónica Blume in Poble Sec, a very special yoga studio
The Garage is the latest proposal of Verónica Blume in Poble Sec, a very special yoga studio

Naked walls, light tones and details in wood around the windows make yoga become the main character of this spot. The quietness of this place is only affected by some workshops and special exhibitions, a time for relaxing and get to know other aspects of art.

Leisure time

Parallel Avenue has always been linked to theatre and performances. The new air in Poble Sec brings new proposals with it.

Sala Hiroshima (C/ Vila i Vilà, 61-67) is one of the most recent halls to introduce new proposals. It is an art retreat offering contemporary performances, including live music and cultural workshops.

The stage of Sala Hiroshima offers new performances in Poble Sec Neighbourhood
The stage of Sala Hiroshima offers new performances in Poble Sec Neighbourhood

This centre features three different spaces: a theatre seating 130 people, a concert hall for 230 people and a bar connecting the hall to the neighbourhood.

This alternative and experimental space is aimed at enhancing the cultural scene of the neighbourhood with its new language.

There are endless ideas for a neighbourhood that is reinventing its history. Poble Sec has already proved to be the perfect place to live, work and enjoy your free time.

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