Two giants of fashion and e-commerce dare to reinvent retail with new proposals where technology is the central axis of the physical stores.

The technology may not end trade, but it will compromise the survival of traditional stores.

The customer is coming to prioritize the shopping experience above even the price. And every time it costs more to imagine the consumer running between the lines and losing the time to go through the box. Especially if you can buy online. Turning the store into a place to advise, share and enjoy a complete experience.

Digital transformation is changing most businesses. Giving an opportunity to those who face the challenge with the desire to differentiate their product.

In that sense, Amazon and Inditex begin the year with two revolutionary proposals.


Amazon Go brings the physical store without ATMs

Amazon e-commerce giant Amazon has opened its first Amazon Go store in Seattle. A physical store without cash registers that uses a technology of cameras, sensors and artificial intelligence to identify and collect the products purchased by customers.

An Amazon Go store is characterized by the absence of boxes and the implementation of Just Walk Out technology. A system that uses the same technology as vehicles with autonomous driving. Consisting of cameras, sensors and deep learning (deep learning).


The Just Walk Out technology automatically detects the removal of a product or its return to the shelf. In addition to tracking through a virtual shopping cart. Once you leave the physical store, Amazon sends the invoice to the customer and charges the expenses to your account.

In this new establishment of 167 m2, Amazon Go offers food products, ingredients, snacks and prepared meals. To access, customers must have an Amazon account and a smartphone (IPhone or Android). Having to scan a code to go through the entrance.

It is a revolutionary project. In fact, Amazon Go opens to the public after a whole year of testing. And without giving details about the opening of other future stores.


Zara tests the online order picking

The reference brand of Inditex, Zara, takes a historic step in the world of retail. It does so through a physical store where you can make and pick up orders online.

A concept that premieres at the Westfield shopping center in Stanford (London), while the renovations of the brand’s flagship store in this center are finished.

It is a type of establishment that will take over from the traditional store, revolutionizing the sales system.

La experiencia de compra marcará el futuro de la tienda física
In it, customers can see products and can try them, but will not have the option to buy them at the time. But they must place the order online and pick it up at the establishment within a few hours.

The role of the staff, in this temporary establishment (pop-up store), will consist in advising clients through tablets and mobile devices. In addition to the equipment, the physical store also has a system of stylistic suggestions for customers. From some informative mirrors-screen.

Likewise, the establishment facilitates an innovative payment system thanks to the use of bluetooth technology. And a system with RFID technology, of radio frequency identification, which shows several possibilities of combination between garments and accessories at real size.


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