One more year has passed and Peralada Festival is back again to Costa Brava in Girona, a great opportunity to attend one of the best events within a unique setting from July to August.

From this year on, Castell de Peralada Festival will be part of a category of special events. It will be the first music event in Spain with a certificate of sustainability in terms of environment and social and economic matters.

Within this land of music and festivals, the one in Peralada has a huge economic impact in every edition, bewitching new attendants every year.

Imagen del castillo que acoge el Festival de Peralada, junto a la Costa Brava de Girona
Picture of the castle, venue of Peralada Festival, next to Costa Brava (Girona)

From July 10th to August 15th, the 29th edition of Castell de Peralada Festival will be an authentic sea of stars. Different music styles, together with dance and theatre, are included in the festival’s programme.

About twenty shows encompassing artists of every style, like pop, lyric and jazz, classical and contemporary dances and big figures of opera are part of the porgramme of 2015 Peralada Festival.

People in Barcelona will move by any means of transport from the centre of the city in order to enjoy music, dance and theatre on Costa Brava‘ shore.

Dance shows in Peralada Festival

This time, Peralada Festival revives its old tradition of dance shows for its 29th edition opening. Béjart Ballet Lausanne, presenting its dual passionates ‘Carmen’ and ‘Otelo’, will open the festival on July 10th and 11th.

Two weeks later, on July 14th, dancer Sylvie Guillem will present her new play called ‘Life in Progress’, a farewell performance after a 50-year-long career.

Cartel del Festival de Peralada 2015
2015 Peralada Festival Flyer

Also a dance show, the remake of ‘El Amor Brujo’ by Fura del Baus will be on stage, an adaptation of a work by Falla, whose main character will be the fire on the night of July 17th.

Another classic will be ‘Yo, Carmen’ by dancer María Labrador, a passional play with flamenco dances that will be performed on August 13th.

Referent songs

Among the most experienced figures, Welsh singer Tom Jones will perform his only show in the country on July 18th.

Tom Jones será uno de los cabezas de cartel del Festival de Peralada, en su única actuación en Catalunya
Tom Jones will be one of the main figures of Peralada Festival, giving his only performance in Catalonia

The artist with more perfomances in Peralada is Joan Manuel Serrat, whose show will be on July 25th and will commemorate his 50-year-long career with a special guest soprano Montserrat Caballé.

Another big national figure is Luz Casal, whose first performance in Peralada will be this August 7th.

Internationally known Roger Hodgson (Supertramp) will perform on August 8th. A few days before, on August 4th, Al McKay will be on stage. Founder of Earth, Wind & Fire recovers soul music and mixes it with rhythms of dance and funky music.

Anglo-American duet Myles Sanko and Gregory Porter has a totally different style, a fresh combination of jazz and soul for the night of August 11th. After this show, it’s time for The Excitements, The Sey Sisters and The Limboos to perform during the festival’s closure on August 15th.

Opera and lyric classics

The most armonic air of Peralada Festival will be in charge of classical and lyric music.

Diverse performers will delight everybody with their shows during July and August. German tenor Klaus Florian Vogt will perform on July 31st and tenor Juan Diego Flórez, on August 6th. Countertenor Max Emanuel Cencic and soprano Diana Damrau will perform on August 10th and 11th respectively.

El tenor peruano Juan Diego Flórez vendrá al Festival de Peralada
Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flórez will be present at Peralada Festival

This year’s main attraction will be opera. Classic ‘Otelo‘ by G. Verdi will be first on stage on August 1st, directed by Paco Azorín and with the collaboration of the choir of Gran Teatre del Liceu.

The counterpart will be the worldwide debut of Bizet’s opera ‘4Carmen‘ on August 5th. It will include four different composers and four librettists.

This show is one of the most awaited moments of the festival and is expected to crowd The Castle Gardens Auditorium, as well as other spaces in Peralada (Carmen church, etc).

El escenario del Auditorio del Parc del Castell acoge la mayoría de conciertos del Festival de Peralada
Stage of the Castle Gardens Auditorium hosts most of the concerts of Peralada Festival

The festival, prioritizing the audience’s comfort, will offer the chance to commute to Peralada by a bus departing from Urquinaona Square.

A perfect plan to enjoy Costa Brava’s spectacular night!

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