Autumn is probably the best time of the year to enjoy colours and feelings of nature. And if you are looking for a place to do that, forests in Catalonia really stand out, especially for their beautiful beachwoods.

Regardless of the high temperatures in summer and part of autumn, this is the best time of the year to enjoy the splendid forests in Catalonia. Apart from giving you the option of hanging around Barcelona’s parks, October and November feature a change of colours in beachwoods and a shower of leaves that cover the ground, a worthy landscape to see.

Between September and October, wooded areas show an array of autumn colours, a phenomenon that usually lasts a couple of days and that is worth experiencing in some parts of the territory.

A sunny day in one of the forests in Catalonia, featuring trees looking at the sky / © Flickr/Markus Grossalber
A sunny day in one of the forests in Catalonia, featuring trees looking at the sky / © Flickr/Markus Grossalber

Chromatic varieties depend on the altitude and latitude. This is the ideal time to unveil five of the best Catalan beachwoods, located in different corners of the territory.

Plans to hang around forests in Catalonia!

Fageda d’en Jordà

This beachwood is part of one of the 26 Catalan natural parks. Fageda d’en Jordà allows people to discover a grove in the middle of the landscape, which is characterized by Croscat volcano. The park is located in the well-known volcanic area La Garrotxa (Girona), a unique and exuberant territory.

The forest is fully covered by beachwoods, thus creating a feeling of pleasure in the middle of the plain in combination with a sleeping volcanic ground. Right in this place, non-profit association La Fageda has been able to make its way in the food market.

Forests in Catalonia: Fageda d'en Jordà / © Flickr/Perrimoon
Forests in Catalonia: Fageda d’en Jordà / © Flickr/Perrimoon

This is an example of social sensitivity and consciousness about environment, a message that is permanently communicated to those who live in the area between Sant Pau, Olot and Les Presses.

Location: 115 km from Barcelona (C-17) and 55 km from Girona (C-66)

Altitude: 550 m

Fageda de la Grevolosa

La Grevolosa, located in Vall d’en Bas (Girona), is one of the most spectacular forests in Catalonia. This beachwood forest has more than 300 years of history, featuring monumental trees, some of them with a diametre of more than one metre and a height of more than 40 metres. The most spectacular one has a perimeter of base of 5.80 m, a height of 24 m and a top of 20m.

In the heart of this magnificent forest with the shape of a horsehoe, there can be found a huge landscape with a varied nature, both for its fauna and flora. Its incredible biological richness and great natural beauty have turned this beachwood forest into a Protected Natural Area.

Forests in Catalonia: Fageda de la Grevolosa / © Flickr/Albert T M
Forests in Catalonia: Fageda de la Grevolosa / © Flickr/Albert T M

One of its treasures is the chapel Sant Nazari de la Vola, a little temple dated back to 1382, which is surrounded by an esplanade full of vegetation and centenary oak trees.

Location: 96 km from Barcelona (C-17) and 75 km from Girona (C-66)

Altutide: 1,000 m


Located in the middle of the way between the provinces of Barcelona and Girona, Parc Natural del Montseny counts on a biodiversity that is practically unique all throughout the territory of Catalonia.

It features typical mediterranean woods with holm oak trees, black pines and fir trees, apart from unique species like beachwoods, growing on the highest and most northern areas. These species are some of the reasons why this area has been declared both natural park and Biosphere Reserve by Unesco.

Forests in Catalonia: Fageda de Santa Fe / © Flickr/Perrimoon
Forests in Catalonia: Fageda de Santa Fe / © Flickr/Perrimoon

Among the beachwoods that are worth visiting is Fageda de Santa Fe, located on the foot of Turó de l’Home. In the heart of this beachwood forest, there is a little dam that reflects the colour of the beachwoods on its crystal clear waters, especially on sunny days.

Location: 68 km from Barcelona (AP-7) and 85 km from Girona (AP-7)

Altitude: 1,706 m (Turó de L’ Home)


This mountain of the Catalan pre-Pyrenees is the only Natural Park in Catalonia that extends throughout 3 provinces: Barcelona, Girona and Lleida.

In the heart of Parc del Cadí, there are two beautiful beachwood forests that are worth visiting: Gresolet Forest features a beachwood area near shelter Gresolet, which can be reached from Saldes (Barcelona). This beautiful area is complemented by the fantastic landscape of Pedraforca, with its impressive vertical walls. Fageda Clot del Pere is right next to the tiny town of Gréixer, which can be reached from Bagà (Barcelona).

Forests in Catalonia: Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró / © Flickr/Albert T M
Forests in Catalonia: Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró / © Flickr/Albert T M

Unlike the rest of the beachwood forests, these two wooded areas of Parc Natural del Cadí are less known by the visitors, maybe because of their little size.

Location: Access from forest roads. Barcelona-Gresolet in 139 km (C-16) and Barcelona-Gréixer in 154 km (C-16)

Altitude: 1,360 m (Gresolet) and 1,500 m (Gréixer)

Fageda del Retaule

Beyond the provinces of Barcelona, Girona and Lleida, there is another forest called Tierras del Ebro, whose access is a bit more complicated.

The most far away beachwood in Catalonia is within the limits of Parc Natural dels Ports, towards the southeast of Tarragona and near the province of Castellón.

This beachwood forest is known by some people as the ‘Enchanted Forest’ and stands out for a spectacular species of more than 250 years of age, called Faig Pare. It has been declared a Monumental Tree for its diametre of 4 metres and its height of 25 metres.

Forests in Catalonia: Faig Pare in Fageda del Retaule / © Flickr/Vvillamon
Forests in Catalonia: Faig Pare in Fageda del Retaule / © Flickr/Vvillamon

Location: 120 km from Tarragona (AP-7) and 216 km from Barcelona (C-32 y AP-7)

Altitude: 1,200 m

Autumn colours invade forests in Catalonia!

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