The Catalan coast is closely linked to the Mediterranean Sea. Hundreds of kilometres of coast offer outstanding buildings that survived the passing of time; they’re lighthouses in Catalonia.

Along the 580 kilometres of coast between Portbou and Les Cases d’Alcanar, beaches, yacht clubs and streets are part of a landscape with character. Among the hidden corners, there stand out emblematic lighthouses in Catalonia.

While in Brittany, lighthouses are part of the tourists main attractions, either during sunny days or stormy ones, here in Catalonia this huge cultural heritage is usually forgotten.

Imagen del Faro del Cabo de Creus, con un esplendido fondo azulado
Picture of Cabo de Creus Lighthouse with a splendid blue sky

They are links between land and sea located along the coasts and surviving century after century. From Cape of Creus to Ebro Delta, lighthouses stand out in the middle of the coastal landscape. Located in places of attracting beauty, lighthouses are exceptional viewpoints, as well as points of reference for sailors.

Today, automation and lack of practical use make lighthouses look for other uses ranging from maritime communication, magical inspiration and sailing tradition.

Luxury hotels and places of touristic interest are located on the Mediterranean shore and are worth visiting.

Lighthouses in Girona

The Province of Girona touches the sea with its magnificent Costa Brava.

Lighthouse of Punta S’Arnella Location: Port de la Selva – Year: 1913 This is a magnificent lighthouse on the way between Port de la Selva and Llançà, built in an old surveillance tower.

Mapa de situación de los faros de Girona-Costa Brava
Map of lighthouses in Girona-Costa Brava

Lighthouse of Cape of Creus Location: Cadaqués – Year: 1847 Cape of Creus (also known as “cape of devil”) is located 400 metres from the sea and 75 metres high, in front of S’Encalladora Island.

Lighthouse of Cove of Nans Location: Cadaqués – Year: 1864 This lonely lighthouse is situated in Cadaqués Bay, one of the most beautiful places in Catalonia.

Lighthouse of Roses Location: Roses – Year: 1864 Located on the foot of Mont Rom and near Punta de la Poncella, this lighthouse is the starting point of one of the most beautiful journeys of the Catalan coast between Roses and Cove of Montjoi.

En Roses y a los pies del Castillo de la Trinitat, encontramos uno de los esplendidos faros catalanes
On the foot of Trinitat Castle in Roses, we find one of the splendid lighthouses in Catalonia

Lighthouse of Illes Medas Location: L’Estartit – Year: 1868 This lighthouse is a point of reference for sailors crossing L’Estartit, Medas Islands and Cape of Begur.

Lighthouse of Sant Sebastià Location: Calella de Palafrugell – Year: 1857 Carefully maintained, this lighthouse is located in Cape of Sant Sebastià, constituting the southern border of Gulf of Lion.

Imagen del Faro de Sant Sebastià, uno de los faros de la Costa Brava
Picture of Sant Sebastià Lighthouse, one of the lighthouses in Costa Brava

Lighthouse of Illes Formigues Location: Palamós – Year: 1982 It’s actually a marker in the northern side of the well-known islands.

Lighthouse of Palamós Location: Palamós – Year: 1865 On the same date, two points of light were opened: one in Laja de Palamós (marker) and the other in Punta del Molí (lighthouse).

Lighthouse of Tossa de Mar Location: Tossa de Mar – Year: 1919 The lighthouse is located on the highest point of Cape of Tossa, on a spectacular cliff where the movie ‘Faroners‘ by Cesc Grarsot, was shot.

FARONERS from Cesc Garsot on Vimeo.

Lighthouses in Barcelona

The Province of Barcelona offers a diverse environment around Maresme, Barcelona and Garraf shores.

Lighthouse of Calella Location: Calella – Year: 1859 It’s located in Puig de la Torreta, a place where there used to be the old medieval surveillance tower for boats heading Palamós and Mataró.

Lighthouse of Barcelona Location: Barcelona – Year: 1772 Old lighthouse dating back the 18th century became a clock in 1911. Today, it’s known as Torre del Rellotge or The Clock Tower in Barcelona.

Mapa con la situación de los faros de la costa de Barcelona
Map of lighthouses along Barcelona’s coast

Lighthouse of Montjuic Location: Barcelona – Year: 1906 The final building was erected on a lighthing provisional structure in 1925, a lighthouse above the city of Barcelona.

Lighthouse of Llobregat Location: Barcelona – Year: 1860 Because of its location, it was necessary to build a lighthouse on Llobregat Delta, whose building is in a surveillance tower dating back the 16th century.

Fotografía del Faro del Llobregat, uno de los faros que rodean la ciudad de Barcelona
Picture of Llobregat Lighthouse, one of the lighthouses surrounding the city of Barcelona

Lighthouse of Sant Cristòfol Location: Vilanova i la Geltrú – Year: 1866 Just behind Farola Beach, this lighthouse replaces an older and smaller one. In its inside, there is Museu del Mar or the Sea Museum.

Lighthouses in Tarragona

The Province of Tarragona stands out for its attractiveness both of Costa Daurada and Terres de l’Ebre.

Lighthouse of Punta de La Galera Location: Torredembarra – Year: 2000 The so-called Torre de la Vila was a work by architect Josep Llinàs. It’s the latest lighthouse to be built in the Iberian Peninsula and the highest of Catalonia.

Lighthouses of Aragó and La Banya Location: Tarragona – Year: 1923 The original one was moved piece by piece to Llevant dock. Thus, in 1990, Aragó Lighthouse was turned off, replaced by La Bayna Lighthouse.

Mapa con la situación de los faros de la costa de Tarragona
Map of lighthouses along Tarragona’s coast

Lighthouse of Salou Location: Salou – Year: 1858 It’s a point of reference in the dark for sailors and can be clearly seen both from Tarragona and Buda Island.

Lighthouse of Punta del Fangar Location: Deltebre – Year: 1860 It’s a bright tower used by boats to be aware of how far they are from Punta del Fangar, a small peninsula located above Ebro’s mouth.

En mitad de las tierras del Ebro sobresalen varios faros, como el de la Punta del Fangar
In the middle of Ebro’s lands, there are several lighthouses like the one in Punta del Fangar

Lighthouse of Cape of Tortosa (or Lighthouse of Buda Island) Location: Deltebre – Year: 1860 Cape of Tortosa is in the protruding end of Buda Island. That is why it’s known as Lighthouse of Buda Island and also “Lamppost”.

Lighthouse of La Banya Location: Sant Carles de la Ràpita – Year: 1864 Located in Els Alfacs peninsula, this lighthouse was built in a surveillance tower in 1504. It’s one of the most representative geographic points in Ebro Delta.

Lighthouse of Punta de La Senieta Location: Sant Carles de la Ràpita – Year: 1864 Located between Amposta and Sant Carles de la Ràpita, this lighthouse erects in Codonyol Tower (old surveillance tower).

La Torre del Rellotge es el antiguo faro de Barcelona, uno de los faros catalanes con más historia
Torre del Rellotge is an old lighthouse in Barcelona, one of the Catalan lighthouses with more history

Part of the sea that can be enjoyed in land, lighthouses in Catalonia!

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