The successive episodes of high levels of pollution in Madrid and Barcelona have forced to take restrictive measures and to propose future changes in the circulation of vehicles.

The greatest evil of large cities is not on the ground, but in the air. In May, the World Health Organization (WHO) noted that 84% of the world’s urban population usually breathes polluted air.

Pollution levels 2.5 times higher than the maximum recommended by the WHO. Which are exceeded in European cities, reducing average life expectancy by nine months.

In cities like London, Paris, Rome or Berlin traffic restrictions are already common, especially in the months of increased air pollution.

However, this is a global problem that also affects Spanish cities with Madrid and Barcelona leading the way.

In that sense, both capitals have put to work. In addition to the usual limits of circulation and speed in the episodes of greater pollution. Madrid and Barcelona already pose new circulatory restrictions.

Measures with which it tries to dissuade the drivers and to bet by the public transport.

Measures against pollution in Madrid

A few days ago, the Madrid City Council will ban the circulation of diesel vehicles in the urban center in 2025.

A measure that has already been agreed by cities such as Paris or Mexico City following the sixth Biennial Summit of Mayors C40. In addition to being raised by other capitals in their struggle for the health of citizens.

At the moment, the most known measures have been in line with Madrid’s new anti-pollution protocol. Four restriction measures based on levels of nitrogen dioxide, which at their highest rates prohibit the circulation of private cars in the urban center.

Madrid has launched a new protocol to fight against pollution
Madrid has launched a new protocol to fight against pollution

Along with this measure, the partial restriction to the traffic in the Great Way of Madrid is also polemic. A measure that proposes urban changes in terms of a greater pedestrianization, as years ago happened with Preciados Street.

Whether temporal or definitive measure, the organization Ecologistas en Acción ensures that the quality of air in the center of Madrid has improved by 32% after the restrictions.

Barcelona against the polluting vehicle

The metropolitan area of Barcelona will offer owners of the most polluting vehicles free transport for three years in exchange for getting rid of the car.

This is a proposal for the next year and commits the owner not to buy any other vehicle.

Drivers who join this initiative to combat high levels of air pollution in the city, will receive a green card. This is a transport license associated with a DNI number that will allow you to make use of different means of public transport.

Barcelona wants to discourage drivers from the most polluting vehicles
Barcelona wants to discourage drivers from the most polluting vehicles

This measure is in addition to the future veto of diesel vehicles with more than 20 years of age. The restrictions on this type of vehicle will begin in 2018 in the municipalities of the first metropolitan zone limited by Castelldefels, Castellbisbal and Tiana. In addition to the ring roads around Barcelona.

The purpose is to veto access to vehicles prior to 1996, extending the ban progressively to newer engines. Finalizing the process with the veto to the access to Barcelona capital in the year 2020.

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