Spain occupies a privileged place on the map of ‘global cities’. Placing Madrid and Barcelona among the best cities to invest, either from the real estate or innovation point of view.

In the election of the preferred cities of the main executives, Seville, Valencia, Barcelona or Madrid occupy a prominent position.

However, this week have come to light new statistics where the Spanish capital and Barcelona once again shine with their own light.

Madrid as the fifth European city with the greatest potential for real estate investment. and Barcelona as the fifth European city with the best score in innovation and scientific production.

Reasons to continue trusting in two cities to invest with future projection.

City to invest: the real estate market in Madrid

Spain continues to be attractive for international capital interested in the purchase of real estate. Madrid being the main focus of real estate investment.

The report ‘Trends in the real estate market in Europe 2018’, prepared by PwC and the Urban Land Institute, highlights the Spanish capital as the fifth most attractive European city for investors. Climbing four positions in the last year and benefiting from the Spanish international projection.


Ciudades para invertir: Madrid y el sector inmobiliario

Madrid stands out for being a city with a lot of growth potential. In addition to own rental income in full rise.

Against Barcelona, ??despite the political climate, it remains the eleventh European city in the ranking. But it does not take advantage of its potential to continue growing.

In this sense, sectors such as logistics or housing are not affected by the current situation. On the contrary that the offices for companies, where a certain break is noticed.

In general, the report shows that 83% of respondents trust that there is more capital to make investments. And also for indebtedness.

In this sense, assets related to logistics (warehouses, warehouses, …) gain attractive thanks to the boost of electronic commerce. As well as certain residential assets (rental housing, residences for students and senior centers). In addition to the construction of new office complexes, already exhausted much of the prime product.

Cities to invest: the capacity for innovation in Barcelona

Barcelona rises note in innovation, but loses it in competitiveness.

The city of Catalonia gains fourteen positions in the ranking of the most innovative cities in the world. Positioning itself as ranked 13th worldwide and 5th at European level, according to the ‘Barcelona 2017 Observatory’ report.

This study, prepared by the Barcelona City Council and the Chamber of Commerce, highlights the potential of the city to continue improving from the point of view of innovation. But not so in terms of global competitiveness. An aspect in which Barcelona falls four positions, from position 20 to 24 worldwide.

Ciudades para invertir: Barcelona y la innovación

Among the most positive aspects, Barcelona stands out as the eighth urban area with the most foreign investment between 2013 and 2017 with 50 business projects. While in scientific production, the city continues as the fifth metropolis in Europe and increases its positions worldwide.

An aspect that improves along with the international reputation of Barcelona. In this area, and globally, the city of Barcelona advances from position 14 to position 8.

Remaining as issues to improve those related to the economy, R & D, accessibility and habitability. Details that make Barcelona lose competitiveness, according to the Mori Memorial Foundation.



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