Valued as the ninth and sixteenth most interesting city in Europe, Madrid and Barcelona continue to stand out on the international map of real estate investment.

The real estate market of the old continent continues to arouse the interest of international investors.

If a few days ago, was announced as impossible to access housing in Hong Kong. Yesterday it was recalled that the shopping area of New York’s Fifth Avenue is out of control.

Facing this upheaval, European real estate investment grows sustainably. And its better future prospects, include the two great Spanish capitals: Madrid and Barcelona.

The report ‘Trends in the Real Estate Market in Europe 2017’, prepared by the consultancy PwC and the Urban Land Institute, analyzes the details that investors take into account.

A document that warns about the effects of Brexit, while highlighting the attractiveness of certain cities for banks, mutual funds and REITs.

European ranking of real estate investment

The PwC report ranks the 30 large European capitals according to various socio-economic aspects.

In the ranking stand out three German cities in the top positions. Berlin leads the list, Hamburg occupies second place and Frankfurt third.

Madrid and Barcelona are again among the most attractive cities thanks to the recovery of the economy and the excellent growth of rental income.

Ranking of countries according to investor interest
Ranking of countries according to investor interest

The Spanish capital is the ninth most outstanding city, with good prospects of both economic development and investment. It is located ahead of other capitals like Amsterdam, Zurich or Milan

While the city is the sixteenth city of Europe. With good economic prospects and very good investment valuation. Barcelona is ahead of Paris, Rome or Brussels. But it also surpasses the different British cities (Birmingham, Manchester and London).

Madrid and Barcelona Top 20

Madrid managed to rise to the ninth continental position thanks to the attraction of an important level of capital and the good general prospects of rent in Spain.

Prospects for real estate investment in Madrid
Prospects for real estate investment in Madrid

It is the third European city in markets and objectives, according to investors. And their properties bring a lot of added value, especially in aspects such as the urgent need for housing. Having overcome the previous cycle, Madrid has many opportunities for real estate investment.

Barcelona bases its candidacy on being one of the most ‘habitable’ cities. In addition to its combination of quality of life, tourist attraction and quality of services.

 Prospects for real estate investment in Barcelona
Prospects for real estate investment in Barcelona

It grows somewhat more slowly than Madrid, but its large shopping streets are attractive for real estate investment.

Its residential market is particularly attractive due to the strong demand for residential rental and the continued search for second homes by foreign buyers.

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