Large ecommerce operators, such as Amazon and Alibaba, intensify their landing in our country, occupying central offices and large logistics spaces in Madrid and Barcelona.

Which country will have chosen Amazon and Alibaba to dominate the ecommerce of the southern Europe?

The sale of products through the Internet has revolutionized the commercial world, also in Spain.

And although in the latest statistics accounts 1.1% for sales, the supply of products does not stop expanding even reaching fresh food products.

Two of the big multinationals in this sector are Amazon and Alibaba. Giants who want to conquer southern Europe from Spain.

Both have announced their interest in strategically investing in our country and thus get a good part of a market that does not stop growing.

Madrid and Barcelona are waiting for you!

Amazon consolidates in Barcelona

After confirming in June the creation of a large logistics center in El Prat and inaugurating in September a store in the Eixample to cover ‘express’ orders, Amazon surprises with another investment in Catalonia.

A new space dedicated to logistics distribution in Castellbisbal that has already begun its operations.

The ecommerce giant announces its 3rd investment in Catalonia
The ecommerce giant announces its 3rd investment in Catalonia

This new center will serve to cover the shipments of Amazon Pantry services in both Spain and southern Europe. This innovative service facilitates the purchase of a wide range of products available in supermarkets to serve them on the same day.

The fact that Catalonia has a strategic location has been fundamental for the investment in this pre-existing 28,000 m2, which will complement the future center of the Prat with 60,000 m2.

With this new center dedicated to Amazon Pantry, Spain becomes the fifth country in the world to enjoy this service.

Alibaba announces its assault on Madrid

The apparent Chinese Amazon admits no comparisons with the American company. In the last fiscal year, the Asian giant came to multiply by 20 the benefit of Amazon or surpassing by far Wallmart.

In Alibaba they have been working intensively to introduce here their ‘market place’ and they not only buying, but also trading over 40 Spanish products.

Attracted by the interest of the Chinese customer for everything manufactured in our country, his arrival in Spain has not been expected.

Alibaba will open office in Madrid in 2017 and in Barcelona in 2018
Alibaba will open office in Madrid in 2017 and in Barcelona in 2018

The first Spanish office of Alibaba will open in Madrid in February 2017. Although the intention is that a year later, in 2018, also open in Barcelona.

With these delegations, Alibaba wants to get a large number of companies to reserve a space in its online shopping center, TMall. A way to enrich their offering products for sale in China.

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