This year is flavourful with Madrid Fusión in January, Alimentaria in April and Fòrum Gastronòmic of Barcelona in October. These events will settle the basis of the gastronomic tendencies in one of its capitals: Barcelona. Gastronomy has been one of the sectors with greater growth in Spain thanks to a unique formula; that is the constant renewal following just the latest tendencies. Just like fashion or business, cuisine is in constant evolution in a way that what you like the most today might stop looking appetising to you the day after.

Globalisation makes culture to spread out very quick around the entire world. Nowadays any ingredient you think of can be found. Then we learn how to add it into our cuisine. We are interested in the origin of each ingredient and even concerned about the environment while we consume it.

La cocina vuelve a sus orígenes según las nuevas tendencias gastronómicas / © Flickr/sporkist
New gastronomic tendencies: cuisine goes back to its origin / © Flickr/sporkist

We are taking gastronomy much further by evaluating how good it is for our health, identifying much precisely food intolerances and understanding gastronomy as cultural expression. All of this, plus the willingness of innovation, makes gastronomy go forward. Let’s take a closer look to the most important gastronomic events of the year: Madrid Fusión, Alimentaria 2016, and Fòrum Gastronòmic de Barcelona.

Gastronomic tendencies on social networking

Gastronomy and social networking are taking a closer relation each day. It is easier today to find restaurants, recipes or new tendencies. Yelp Spain made a forecast 2016 for foodies. Barcelona is already taking care of its suggestions:

Detox juices: these healthy drinks are a tendency to have in mind.
Do not miss: OhBo Organic Cafe (Dr. Fleming St., 15) in Barcelona has a healthy menu and detox drinks.


Los zumos detox serán tendencia gastronómica en el año 2016 / © Flickr/Robert Gourley
Detox juices are a gastronomic tendency this year / © Flickr/Robert Gourley

Coffee at the forefront: coffee is a gourmet product today. The best places in Barcelona are getting the best café to be served together with other delicacies in the perfect atmosphere.
Do not miss: Bon Mercat (Baixada Llibreteria St., 1-3) is a little coffee shop placed in the centre of Gothic quarter. It has a large assortment of coffee.

Food allergies and intolerances: bars and restaurants begin to raise awareness regarding celiac disease and other food sensitivities; everybody should be able to enjoy a dish.
Do not miss: En Ville Restaurant (Dr. Dou St., 14) has been taken in consideration for its gluten-free menu in 2015.

Asian food: Ramen is nowadays in the forefront of all Asian food.
Do not miss: Ramen Ya-Hiro (Girona St., 164) is the best place in town preparing this Japanese dish.

El ramen va a ser la especialidad asiática estrella en Barcelona / © Flickr/Masaaki Komori
Ramen will be at the forefront of all Asian food in Barcelona this year / © Flickr/Masaaki Komori

Organic restaurants and markets: is an already winner tendency from the previous year and still growing.
Do not miss: Woki Organic Market (Ronda Universitat, 20) is a place that has all sorts of organic food.


What do experts say about gastronomic tendencies?

Madrid Fusión presented the new gastronomic tendency. Cuisine gets back all its composure and looks for the essence of taste. Food experts expound the news of 2016.

Proximity products: buying food has ethical implications. The concept of Km 0 started in 2008 and because of the recession it might has won a lot of attention raising awareness about proximity goods.

Global cuisine: you can find plenty of culinary influences just taking a close look into Michelin guide. Mexican food is coming right after the influence of the Japanese essence and Peruvian fusion. Hoja Santa (Avda Mistral, 54) from Bulli’s factory is a good example.

Los tacos mexicanos se suman a otras tendencias gastronómicas globales / © Flickr/Luca Nebuloni
Mexican tacos are global gastronomic tendencies of today / © Flickr/Luca Nebuloni


Bread as it used to be: revolution of bread has created a full new generation of artisan bakers and its quality products have brought many new consumers.

The wine renewal: biodynamic wines and non-sulphite wines are the newest organic wines. There are also one fermentation cavas, yeast and sugar-free in very fashionable bottles.

Green juices: gastronomy is getting more and more related to health each day and green juices fit in perfectly. They are tasty and full of good nutrients.

Vegetarian restaurants: vegetarian cuisine has shrunk since foodies enjoy eating meat nowadays. People eating just organic food or flexitarians are in the growth. Flexitarians are people that eat plant-based diet, but who are flexible enough to include some red meat.

El flexitarianismo es la forma más 'verde' de poder disfrutar de la carne / © Flickr/Stacy Spensley
Flexitarians enjoy vegetarian food together with good meat / © Flickr/Stacy Spensley

Sensation on a dish: the greatest chefs see gastronomy as a way of experiencing new sensations. Carme Ruscalleda plays with the connection between taste and colour of the food meanwhile Roca brothers look for the musicality of the dishes.

Sweet but healthy: pastries are also evolving trying to get rid of its bad reputation by getting healthier values in nutrition. Some pastries are nowadays suitable for diabetics, celiac people.

– Food trucks are at the top: food trucks have brought up to date food market but also have swamped it. Its survival depends on keeping up with trends.

Farmer’s market: the farmer decided to find the consumer. Direct purchases from the producer help us to know about the product and remind us about the old times.

Los mercados de productores forman parte de las últimas tendencias gastronómicas / © Flickr/Christopher Paquette
Farmer’s market take part of the latest gastronomic tendencies / © Flickr/Christopher Paquette

Gastronomic tendencies take cuisine to its essence.


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