The City Council of Marbella announced last week, a major change. Through its spokesman for the government team, Javier Porcuna, the approval of a new rebate of the IBI tax rate in Marbella was announced. With this recent reduction in the tax of the IBI in Marbella it goes from 0,76 to 0,71%. Therefore, a deduction of five points in this municipal rate Marbella.

This measure will allow 150,000 homes, out of 175,000 registered in the municipality, to pay IBI in Marbella “the same or less than the previous year.”

In this line, Porcuna said that with the approved decrease the Consistory will stop entering for this concept “almost a million euros that will be distributed among all the neighbors of the city.”


El IBI en Marbella se ha reducido en cinco puntos

Likewise, the spokesman of the City Council of Marbella explained that the current government team has tried to freeze during the two years of socialist mandate the price of the tax rate adjusting to the limits set by the national regulations, as explained in the blog of OI Realtor at the end of 2016 in the article “The revision of the cadastre of 2,500 municipalities will be seen in the IBI 2017″.

It was in the fiscal year 2016 when the local government team approved a first reduction, during the present legislature. Specifically, 9% of the tax rate of the IBI in Marbella. In this way, it went from 0.835 to 0.76% in force until this latest revision with which the City Council collected about 600,000 euros less than in the previous year.

Thus, more than eight out of ten homes in Marbella will see reduced said tax for the second time since 2015. With the former executive of the Partido Popular, the IBI in Marbella came to be at 1.03% and when the PSOE was made With the mayor found the tax rate at 0.83%.


The IBI quota in the capital of the Costa del Sol, the lowest

The councilman of Economy and Finance and spokesman of the PP government team in the City of Málaga, Carlos Conde, assured at the beginning of August that the average IBI share of the city of Malaga is “the lowest in the capitals Of the province (occupying the 46th place), the lowest of all the great capitals of Spain and also one of the lowest of the municipalities of the province of Malaga, increasing this difference when added to the rate of collection and treatment Of domestic garbage that in the city of Malaga is not implanted “.

In this regard, Conde explained that for several years, different municipalities have asked for information and advice to Malaga on how to establish a type of regulation similar to that of the capital of the Costa del Sol.


Málaga también ha rebajado el impuesto del IBI como en Marbella


For sample … a button

The councilman of Economy and Finance of the city of Malaga indicated that it is best that the figures “speak for themselves”, there being no better policy of aid to the payment of IBI than having the lowest quotas with respect to other cities.

In order to demonstrate such an assertion, Conde cited the example of a residential property type, of 70,000 euros of cadastral value. In Seville would pay 513.38 euros. Torremolinos would have a rate of 686 euros. In Marbella – without collecting this last reduction of five points – 532 euros. And in Malaga 315,70 euros. “To these figures would have to add the rate of collection of residential waste in Malaga would be zero, so the difference is very important,” said Conde.

Regarding the subsidies that are applied in the Aid Regulation for the payment of the IBI to disadvantaged families and groups, the Councilor for Economy of the City of Málaga has influenced that since the implementation of this initiative in 2001 have been granted grants and bonuses more than 89,800 families in Malaga, assuming an economic effort of 9,554,904.40 euros.

Five million euros to subsidize the IBI to the Esteponeros

For its part, Estepona City Councilman Hacienda Aguilar also announced at the beginning of August that the Consistory was to allocate in 2017 a line of more than five million euros to subsidize the Real Property Tax to those registered in The Estepona municipality.

Cinco millones de euros para bonificar el IBI a los esteponeros

The mayor of the Economic Area recalled that during the current legislature 95% of the IBI has already been lowered to premises owned by social, cultural entities or that promote the defense of historical heritage or employment. The license fee has also been eliminated for a total of 35 activities. This has facilitated the creation of new businesses.

Fuengiroleños only pay 70%

Four years ago, the regulatory bases for the granting of financial aid to the registered in the city of Fuengirola were promoted. This measure was taken in order to alleviate the economic difficulties that the crisis was bringing.

For this reason, in mid-August, Fuengirola City Councilor for Finance, María Hernández, reported that a total of 9,965 letters had been sent to different taxpayers. The purpose of this communication was to inform them that they had to catch up on some of the essential requirements to benefit from the system of aid for the payment of taxes.

In this sense, Hernández explained that thanks to this measure, the residents of Fuengirola receive a 30% aid of the amount of the IBI, the Tax of Vehicles of Mechanical Traction (IVTM) and the Environmental Environmental Management Rate (Gemer) . “Those who meet the requirements will only have to pay the first term corresponding to 70% of these tax obligations,” concluded the mayor of Hacienda de Fuengirola.


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