Two art fairs, between contemporary art and antiques, will take place in February. Those are ARCO and FAMA, who put Madrid and Barcelona on the agenda of collectors. During these days, they held in Madrid and Barcelona the only art fairs throughout Spain. About ARCO: Madrid opens the doors to its great contemporary art fair, and also JustMad and ArtMadrid. About FAMA: Barcelona celebrates for second year FAMA, the modern and ancient art fair. Both approaches are totally different, their heterogeneous audience makes Spain a landmark for art collectors.

La ciudad de Madrid afronta su ARCO más completo e internacional / © Arco Madrid
Madrid celebrates the great and international ARCO / © Arco Madrid

ARCO, along with JUSTMAD, gather up best proposals of contemporary creation and experimental art. Meanwhile, FAMA, in Barcelona and ArtMadrid are appointments for the best antiques, modern art and some pieces of great contemporary authors. Both art fairs are a good way of certifying contemporary art and art market are currently booming. Art business has recovered the trust in investing in historical galleries and new art galleries that keep upgrading and adapting to the new market. ARCO and FAMA bring to Madrid and Barcelona unique universal pieces.

FAMA in Barcelona

The 2nd edition of the Fira d’Art Modern i Antic de Barcelona (FAMA) is taking place in Barcelona from February 17 – 21, 2016. The event was recovered in 2015. The greatest antiques fair in Barcelona: FAMA, gathers thirty exhibitors in 3,000 m2. Antiquarians have come to gather nearly a thousand pieces currently for sale; authentic handicraft works including sculptures, paintings, jewellery, furniture and pottery. Unique pieces from the tenth century and the twentieth century.

Barcelona celebra la 2ª edición de FAMA, días antes de Arco Madrid / © Fira d’Art Modern i Antic de Barcelona
Barcelona celebrates the 2nd edition of FAMA, some days before ARCO in Madrid / © Fira d’Art Modern i Antic de Barcelona

In this new edition, the formula is the same again, an art fair during five days that connects audience with ancient and modern art and in a period of recovery of interest about decorative art collection. FAMA makes a special selection of its exhibitors and their best pieces. There are a total of 29 exhibitors displaying all sorts of art; since tribal art until bibliophile’s books in a correct light atmosphere. Also Madrid will hold a fair of established artists: ArtMadrid.


Arco se complemente con una feria de grandes autores contemporáneos: Art Madrid / © Art Madrid
Arco completes itself with another fair of great contemporary artists: Art Madrid / © Art Madrid

The 11th edition of Art Madrid will take place from February 24 to February 28, 2016, at the Crystal Gallery of Central Madrid Cibeles.


ARCO in Madrid

The 35th Contemporary Art Fair ARCO Madrid is the key event of the national art scene. Dates are, this year, from February 24 to 28 at Feria de Madrid, organised by Ifema. ARCO was born with the intention of bringing contemporary art to an audience that does not normally visit art galleries. Although today, and because of the thriving market for modern art, the fair has got an international character.

The fair hosts 221 galleries from 27 different countries in an area of 35,000 m2. Galleries will be placed in iconic buildings of Madrid such as the Arab House, the Embassy of Colombia, the Archaeological Museum, the Museo Casa de la Moneda, the Cerralbo Museum, the Museum of Romanticism, the National Anthropology Museum, the Naval Museum and the Estudios de Tabacalera. Some of the galleries that stand out are 11 Catalan galleries such as ADN, Àngels Barcelona, Carlos Taché, Estrany-De la Mota, Joan Prats, Marlborough, Marc Domenech, Miguel Marcos, Nogueras Blanchard, Polígrafa Graphic Print, ProjecteSD and Senda.

Obras de vanguardia, arte emergente y piezas contemporáneo se reunen en Madrid / © Arco Madrid
Avant-garde art in Madrid / © Arco Madrid

Among Catalan artists, national and international galleries will bring to Madrid pieces of renowned authors such as Dalí, Julio González, Miró or Tàpies, with young artists like David Bestué, Lua Coderch, Núria Güell or Pep Vidal. ARCO happens to be one of long-standing contemporary art fairs in Europe. At the same time, Madrid celebrates another landmark event: JustMad. The 7th edition of Just Mad, emerging art fair will take place from February 23 to 28, 2016, at the College of Arquitectos of Madrid.

Junto a Arco Madrid, la capital celebra una feria de arte emergente / © Just Madrid
Madrid also celebrates an emerging art fair: the JustMAD / © Just Madrid

It is time for ARCO & FAMA!

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