The cities worldwide are opposed to the ongoing degradation of the environment. With this aim, the lifestyle changes as hard work gives hope for the future of the planet. Exploring the subject, we are going to visit 3 sustainable buildings of Barcelona.

Before the arrival of the Hora del Planeta, which is set on the 28th of March between 20,30 and 21.30, the most emblematic building in the world will join forces in the fight against climate change.

It is the ninth annual worldwide participation, which features more than 160 Spanish cities, as well as 200 companies and entities. This goes beyond the symbolism of turning lights out for 60 minutes in the cities that want to claim urgent action in the Climate Summit in Paris (COP21).

The MediaTIC is one of the first sustainable buildings in Barcelona, which is committed to stopping climate change
The MediaTIC is one of the first sustainable buildings in Barcelona, which is committed to stopping climate change

Along with the reclamation, WWF wants to select the favourite sustainable city. the voting, whereas Barcelona takes an excellent space due to its environmental commitment, demonstrated an “alternative” way of life and working.

Today, we are going to look at the tree examples of this sustainable alternative. These given buildings are in the Salón Internacional de la Construcción (now named Beyong Building Barcelona-Construmat), which are going to be presented between the 19th and the 23rd of May in Barcelona.

Vertical Gardens: The Garden of the Sun

The vertical gardens accommodate the city with the environment, saving resources and fighting against pollution.

Among the vertical gardens of Barcelona we can find one, which stand out because of its originality, which is the Jardí del Sol. A huge vegetal covered area, which occupied the walls of the Archivo Municipal Contemporáneo de Barcelona wall, in the neighbourhood of Poblenou.

This garden has 12 plant different species, which cover the wall with a double function – aesthetic and isoating. The grey appearance of the administrate building gives it a green protagonismoal, while isolating it thermally.

A 2011 work which sprays with rain water, irrigates up to 8.000 laters of water that has been previously stored.

Here an auto-sufficient building has been obtained with an irrigation system, which is processed by the solar panel energy. A total of 150 square meters of electricity for the inside part of the building.

The Grupo Planeta is one of the most renowned sustainable buildings in the heart of the city, on the Avenida Diagonal
The Grupo Planeta is one of the most renowned sustainable buildings in the heart of the city, on the Avenida Diagonal

An amazing work, which permits the locations of several nests of protected bird species.

100% Wooden building: Passive Ecological House

Who told you using brick is essential in constructing a building?

The Gracia neighbourhood is characterised by its strong social compromising values. One of the last examples is the family building made entirely out of wood in Spain. It’s called the Casa Passiva Ecològica, constructed on 3 floors, which accommodates 6 properties.

The building has been constructed during 6 months. A time in which the wooden building with a total are 346 sq. m. on 14 wooden pillars has been built up.,. Each of the them is 9 meters and the finishing materials are sustainable, with the only exception of the elevator.

It has resulted in a Green Building Council España (Spanish: Certificado Verde del GBCe). A building that is not as common in our cities.

An original building which has been done in August and which has already made it in history.

On the ground central floor, which dates back to the 1900 is where the whole building has been constructed from the iroko and larch trees.

Offices with energy heating: The Porta Firal Auditori Building

La importancia de un lugar de trabajo autosuficiente y respetuoso con el entorno es cada vez mayor. La nueva zona de la junto al barrio de la acogen un nuevo espacio ganado por la ciudad de Barcelona, a sólo 10 minutos del aeropuerto.

The importance of an auto-sufficient working place, which is respectful to the environment has become increasingly important. The new Gran Via area close to the Marina del Prat Vermell has gained new space in the city of Barcelona, only 10 minutes away from the airport.

El alcalde junto a uno de los nuevos edificios sostenibles barceloneses, el Porta Firal Auditori
El alcalde junto a uno de los nuevos edificios sostenibles barceloneses, el Porta Firal Auditori

Among the new office buildings the Porta Firal Auditori stands out. It is the first one of thee 4 office buildings for this area. The innovative design, which marks the Breeam energy heating.

Standing out for 70% inferior energy consumption of the other building and on 75% less emission level than other properties.

This signifies a new heating generation which does not produce greenhouse gases, the ability to recharge electric vehicles and and using efficient energy resources.

The Torre Telefónico and the Museu Blau are sustainable buildings in the modern part of Barcelona
The Torre Telefónico and the Museu Blau are sustainable buildings in the modern part of Barcelona

These 3 examples of new way to build and live have come to life in Barcelona.

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