Barcelona attracts more and more companies and independent professionals. Entrepreneurs who are accustomed to flexible work and to the office without walls. Boosters of the boom of Barcelona in the spaces of coworking.

Besides meeting point for many entrepreneurs, Barcelona is one of the cities of the world with greater offer of spaces of coworking.

One reason is their ability to attract talent from other countries. Professionals accustomed to working in flexible spaces that allow synergies and personal relationships.


These workspaces, which started off as generalists, have become specialized and focused on specific sectors. Like the technological one, where the ‘nomadic’ worker is the order of the day.

Taking advantage of this circumstance, the small and medium spaces that started in Barcelona have given way to great and interesting projects. Both from the point of view of the company and the office market.


Aticco grows in the Eixample

Aticco, Barcelona’s space of coworking, has doubled its space by winning a new plant in its building of Rda Sant Pere.

In ten months (born in September 2016), Attico has moved from occupying the last floor of a central building next to Plaza Cataluña to gather a space of 2,000 square meters with offices and terraces.

Attico amplia su espacio de coworking en Barcelona

After getting the fifth floor of the building, the coworking will have capacity for 180 more people along with the 120 who already work in the attic.

Becoming the largest coworking space in Barcelona. Attico is characterized by having open its facilities 24 hours a day during the seven days of the week.

Offering flexible spaces where they meet from self-employed to startups. A successful format if we consider that the first contracted plant was filled in three months. And it is expected to occupy this new plant with the same speed.

WeWork aterriza en el 22@

The 22 @ district is the area with the highest number of office projects and concentration of new companies in Barcelona.

One of your new tenants will be WeWork. A New York group specializing in coworking spaces that has agreed with Castellví to create a new project.

The US multinational will install in the Gold Building a coworking with 7,000 m2 of surface. The building is part of the so-called Luxa project, consisting of two independent but interconnected buildings.


WeWork abre un nuevo espacio de coworking en Barcelona

Luxa is located behind the Agbar tower, between Badajoz and Tangier streets, and has prestigious tenants like Amazon, Schibsted or Indra systems.

The entry into operation of the future coworking will be during the fourth quarter of 2017.

Do coworking spaces offer profitability?

We have just heard the rentability data for offices, among other real estate assets. Exactly 7.5%, according to Idealist. Are coworking just as interesting?

Coworking spaces do not follow exactly the same criteria as corporate offices. But they are profitable. Especially if they come from the hand of a multinational or take some time of implantation in the market.

US experts say that a coworking space becomes profitable after the first two years from its door in march.

How do they get benefits? 61% of the profits come through the rental of workspaces, 20% for the reservation of meeting rooms or spaces of events (10% and 10% respectively) and another 10% for the sale of products and tickets to Events (5% and 5%). Below 5% services like virtual offices.

What influences the profitability of a coworking? Fundamentally two factors: the age and implementation of the center and the number of members. The greater the number of professionals, the greater the benefit. If we add to all this well-connected districts and with business synergies, like the Eixample or 22 @, Barcelona is the perfect city to invest in them


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