Barcelona will launch the new Diagonal Besos Campus in September 2016; a set of buildings in Forum area.

Barcelona begins to see how the new scientific hub is going to look like with this new Diagonal Besos Campus; a complex between Diagonal Mar and Sant Andria Besòs, next to the Forum area.

In September 2016, up to 3,500 students and 400 teachers will start a new course in modern facilities. The community of the university and several research teams will be part of a major scientific hub.

El Campus Diagonal Besòs compartirà espacio con edificios como el Spiralling Tower de Zaha Hadid
The Diagonal Besos Campus will share space with buildings such as the Spiralling Tower of Zaha Hadid

This new 150,000 m2 complex will bring a new audience such as European Energy Agency, but also it will free a historical space placed in the middle of Eixample to enrich medical research in Barcelona.

This is a great scientific project in the city: the new Besos Campus!

Barcelona university campus

Throughout recent history, most infrastructures in Barcelona as rail, port, industrial areas and universities have been built in the southeastern half of the city.

The university area includes various faculties and it is one of the major educational centers of Barcelona

Neighbourhoods between Paseo de Gracia and Llobregat have incorporated institutions in the University area (District of Les Corts), in the Eixample (campus UB and UPF) or even a Campus in Bellvitge.

But the situation has changed. The complex of Diagonal Besos Campus consolidates the urban renewal of Forum 2004. The new Scientific Campus in Diagonal Mar joins the Communication Campus located in the 22@Barcelona.

Well-connected and superbly equipped, this campus where it has already been invested 96.5 million euros is breaking ground with three buildings dedicated to teaching and research.

The new Diagonal Besos Campus

Coinciding with the start of the course 2016-2017, Besos Campus will open its doors in September 2016.

A total of 3,500 students from seven university degrees (biomedical engineering, electrical, industrial electronics, energy, mechanical, chemical and engineering equipment), three masters and three doctoral programs, 400 teachers and researchers, up to 27 research groups will be the first occupants.

Most of them are part of the School of technical Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (EUETIB), located in the Industrial School in Urgell Street of Barcelona.

This community will occupy the A building in Campus Diagonal Besos; a twelve-storey building height plus two other buildings already assigned.

Future plans for the campus

Among the new tenants of Diagonal Besos Campus two of them stand out: the Catalan Institute for Energy Research (IREC) and the European agency Fusion for Energy (F4E).

The campus will have a student residence and it will be located between Playa Port Forum and Parc de la Pau. It also has to be installed the Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelona, dean in Spain, which is currently in Pla del Palau in Barcelona.

The Diagonal Besòs Campus project includes a few new areas of Port Forum

This ambitious architectural project will feature a promenade alongside the Street Eduard Maristany and Ronda Litoral, as well as a garden in the middle of campus.

The future of the Industrial School

New residents of Campus Besos come from l’Escola Industrial (Industrial School of Barcelona); a historic modernist Eixample enclosure where during decades were taught engineering studies. L’Escola Industrial is located between Rossello and Paris streets, and Urgell and Viladomat, and it covers an area equivalent to four blocks in Eixample.

It will become a hub of research and teaching directly related with the renowned Hospital Clinic.

El recinto modernista del l'Escola Industrial acogerá a investigadores cuando arranque el Campus Diagonal Besòs
The modernist enclosure l’Escola Industrial welcomes researchers when starting the Diagonal Besos Campus

This project aims to unify all centres of researches and their teams nowadays scattered all over the city, for them to work together in an innovative place; a long-term project that would enhance medical research both in the centre of Barcelona and Besos area.

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