After 15 months of work, the new Plaza de Glòries in Barcelona is presented to the public. The reforms are introduced with a huge citizen party and a new design that will be modelled during the following years.

After the renovation of Paseo de Gracia and Diagonal Avenue, it’s the turn of one of the most popular squares of the city, Plaza de Glòries.

Being the border between Eixample and Sant Martí, Ildefonso Cerdá envisioned this square as one of the biggest centres of Barcelona, a place where some of its major thoroughfares meet: Diagonal Avenue, Gran Vía and Meridiana Avenue.

Els Encants frente a su antigua ubicación en mitad de la Plaza de Glories
Els Encants in front of its old location in the middle of Plaza de Glòries

Some of the most vanguard buildings of Barcelona are also part of its new design, for instance, Agbar Tower by Jean Nouvel, Encants Market and Barcelona Design Centre (DHUB).

All those are huge erecting projects, now complemented by the new Plaza de Glòries.

An intrgrated and natural proposal

Within a period of 150 years of history, Plaza de Glòries has experienced diverse transformations that have made it develop its urban nature.

El antiguo anillo ha dejado paso a una Plaza de Glories a nivel de calle
The old ring is the place where Plaza de Glòries is located

A new transformation is about to see the light. It’s a project aimed at transforming the square in a huge urban park of 140,000 m2, thus requiring traffic to run through an underground 400-metre tunnel.

The design of the new Glòries park will extend throughout the whole square and its construction wil take place from July 2015 to the end of 2017.

Meanwhile, the city starts to make use of those parts of the project that are already finished, a semicircular 1800-m2 area in front of the Design Museum, which is decorated by very special artists.

During 4 months, 400 students and 22 professors have participated in a process of drawing and painting the leisure area. In this space, a 150-long dragon stands out, apart from dozens of games for the whole family.

Next to it, we find the well-known Pérgola-Umbracle, the Encinas Garden and a greenhouse with exotic and unique species. An area that combines leisure, education and nature.

Huge party in Glòries

The area that is ready to enjoy until the completion of the new park will be opened with the arrival of spring to Barcelona.

The day of the opening of the New Glòries will take place next March 28th, with diverse spaces that will participate in the event and several activities.

Nuevos espacios complementan a los edificios ya consolidados en la Plaza de Glories
New spaces complement the already-consolidated buildings in Plaza de Glòries

Pérgola-Umbracle This’s an area under the shadow, thought to host fairs and other activities, as well as a leisure area. Music and dance performances, and even a chocolate party, are some of the options for the morning and the afternoon of Saturday 28th.

DHUB Square Next to the Design Museum, there’s a new space. This square will host traditional ‘sardanas’ performances during the whole Saturday morning.

Encinas Garden A place to rest in the heart of the city. ‘Van Van Market’ will also take place on Saturday 28th, with 150 varied parades and an area for picnics with the traditional Food Trucks. All these options will be accompanied by some good music.

Con la renovación de la Diagonal y Glories, ciclistas y transeuntes podrán cruzar Barcelona evitando a los vehículos
After the renovation of Diagonal and Glòries, bikers and pedestrians will be able to cross the city and avoid traffic

El Meridiano This exhibition space will be opened on Saturday with a show called “Prats de Molló: el meridiano de la Memoria“.

Northern Glories Sports activities (skating, futtoc, etc.) will be the main characters within a space covering the species greenhouse and the leisure area.

DHUB. Design Museum DHUB will remain open with an exhibition called “Diseño para vivir” (‘Design for living’).

Proyección del futuro tunel que cruzará la Plaza de Glories
Model of the future tunnel crossing Plaza de Glòries

Barcelona gains ground in the new Plaza de Glòries.

Don’t wait any more and come for your place!

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