Within the frame of the Mobility Week, the Car-Free Day promises to revolutionize all Barcelona. A celebration in a labor day and not having traffic of 58 streets are the keys for a day designed to leave the car at home.

The next 22nd of September Barcelona celebrates again a Car-Free Day. A day that tries to create a reflexion over the use of private vehicles.

This day is framed in the Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week. A few days, between the 16th and 22nd of September, in which the city council organizes almost 90 activities to promote sustainable mobility.

The city prepares for a Car-Free Day!

Barcelona in a Car-Free Day

Next 22nd of September, Barcelona promotes again habits of sustainable mobility and the use of public spaces.

The city wants to be greener, more comfortable and less polluted, following the suggestions of World Health Organization related to environmental noise and air pollution.

Without forgetting some numbers of no discussion.

In 2015, Barcelona counted 9.095 accidents with 27 mortal victims.

In this city, one out of five children are obese or in risk of suffering overweight.

Hasta 58 calles de Barcelona se cortarán al tráfico en el Día sin Coches
Up to 58 streets of Barcelona will not have traffic on Car-Free Day.

For this, and in a labor day, Barcelona wants to work as soon as possible.

The city will not have traffic in 58 secondary streets. As well, two big avenues will suffer restrictions (Via Laietana and Gran de Gracia) favoring pedestrians and public transportation between 8 hrs and 21 hrs.


Activities in the Mobility Week

Within the frame of Mobility Week, from 16 of September till the 22nd, Barcelona’s city council among other entities and city associations will schedule around 90 activities of all kind.

One of the most outstanding will be the Park(ing) Day Barcelona. Event held for more than two centuries in various cities around the world. The activity consists in transforming several parking places in parks, gardens and workshops.

At the gates of the Mayor Festival, la Cursa de la Mercè will be celebrated. A circuit through the streets fo Barcelona.

Without forgetting the Mediterranean Road Safety Day in its 19th edition, the Sustainable Mobility Fair or the Expoelèctric exhibition.

We shouldn’t stop participating in the Cursa de Transport in which different mobilization ways in Barcelona and its health effects or invested times are shared.

A celebration of collective consciousness and participation!

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