With the approval of PEUAT, Barcelona will have a new tourist accommodation plan. Although its limitations can have unsuspected consequences for the investment.

The City Council of Barcelona obtains sufficient support to process the future Special Urban Tourism Tourist Plan (PEUAT) with a view to its final approval.

The agreement between the members of the consistory and the group of ERC has some news. It is planned to triple the number of tourist flat inspectors, as well as to study in detail three controversial hotel projects located in Drassanes, Vila Olímpica and Rec Comtal.

Recall that the new plan divides the city into four different zones. One with a decrease in the number of tourist accommodations, another with freezing in its development and two where it will be allowed to open new hotels.

Hopefully, this new regulation will end the institutional blockade and the neighborhood rejection.

Modifications incorporated into the PEUAT

The approval of the PEUAT will force assignments by the Barcelona government.

With the agreement for its processing it is accepted to triple the body of inspectors dedicated to the detection of illegal tourist apartments. It will move from the current 40 inspectors to 110 planned for 2018.

A group of inspection unpublished in any other city with which it is intended the definitive regulation of the offer of tourist accommodations. Although certain activities of ‘home sharing‘ will be excluded from this regulation.

The Barcelona City Council also agrees to study the specific cases of three establishments planned or developed in recent years.

One of them is the Hotel Praktik that was to be built in the Drassanes. A project that wants to reduce the impact of the building, located near the Avda Paral.lel.

 Hotel Praktik de Drassanes may have another chance in Barcelona
Hotel Praktik de Drassanes may have another chance in Barcelona

There is also the closure of the macro hostel located on Avda Icaria. An establishment that is not to the liking of the neighbors of the Olympic Village.

And finally, you want to consult the neighbors about an almost completed project: the Rec Comtal hotel.

The Special Urban Tourism Tourist Plan

The final PEUAT approach draws a map with four different zones:

Zone 1: Formed throughout Ciutat Vella, part of the Eixample, Sant Antoni, Poblenou, Vila Olímpica, Poble Sec and Hostafrancs.
These neighborhoods do not allow the opening of new establishments, nor the expansion of existing ones. In addition, even if they cease in their activity, some of them will not be allowed to open any other.

The Tourist Accommodation Plan divides Barcelona into four areas of interest
The Tourist Accommodation Plan divides Barcelona into four areas of interest

Zone 2: Formed by the rest of the Eixample, Sants, Les Corts, part of Gracia, the Guinardó and part of Sant Martí.

These neighborhoods will maintain the current squares and establishments. And only when some establishment ceases its activity can open another with the same number of places.

Zone 3: Formed by the high zone, Horta, Nou Barris, Sant Andreu and the rest of Sant Martí. These neighborhoods will allow to open new establishments and expand existing ones, as long as the maximum density of places is not exceeded.

Zone 4: Formed by La Sagrera, Zona Franca (Marina del Prat Vermell) and 22 @. Different spaces that will admit new hotel projects.


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