With 75.6 million foreign tourists in 2016, according to the National Institute of Statistics. Spain is one of the most attractive countries in the world. Classification in which Barcelona and Madrid are among the most visited cities.

The tourist record recorded in 2016 has two names: the two large Spanish cities (Barcelona and Madrid), which attract millions of travelers each year.

The annual Euromonitor ‘Top 100 Cities Destination Ranking’ ranks the 100 most visited cities in the world. A ranking led by Hong Kong for the seventh consecutive year. Although both Barcelona and Madrid improve positions with respect to the last edition.

Both cities appear in the Top 40 worldwide and stand out for various reasons.

Ranking of the most visited cities

One more year, Hong Kong is the first travel destination in the world. Euromonitor International highlights this Chinese capital for the 26.68 million visitors received in 2015. Eight million more than Bangkok (18.73 million) and London (18.58 million), second and third of the ranking, respectively.

In position number 25 appears Barcelona with 6,612,200 visitors. 5.7% compared to the last ranking. While Madrid appears at number 40 with 4,604,500 visitors. A 10.2% more than in 2014.

The Top 40 of the most visited cities in the world
The Top 40 of the most visited cities in the world

In the new ranking of most visited cities, the great world metropolis continue to gain weight. A fact that illustrates the growing importance of urban tourism in all corners of the planet.

Cultural and consumer tourism, directly linked to the interest in the real estate market in the main world capitals.

Good rating of Barcelona and Madrid

In Spain, Barcelona and Madrid have had a good evolution in the last year registered by the report of Euromonitor (2015). Data that will probably be surpassed in the next edition, after the tourist record of 2016.

The city of Madrid stands out as one of the five European capitals that grow the most in reception of visitors.

Aspects that stand out Madrid and Barcelona at an international level
Aspects that stand out Madrid and Barcelona at an international level

While Barcelona stands out as the sixth most sought after destination on Airbnb worldwide.

Two top-class tourist cities!


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