Up to 31,951 large fortunes with assets of more than one million euros, including real estate, live in Catalonia. Surpassing the last annual statistics of the Generalitat.

The number of millionaires resident in Catalonia grows again with respect to the last fiscal year.

The memory of the ‘Tax on the Heritage. Exercise 2015 ‘, which has just been published by the General Tax Authority of the Generalitat de Catalunya, raises the number of large fortunes.

A total of 31,951 people, resident in Catalonia, have a net worth (excluding habitual residence and debts) of over 1 million euros.

Adding its global assets they have a fortune equivalent to 180,909 million euros. Property among which are abundant stocks of companies, real estate assets and large deposits.

Greater presence of large fortunes

The great taxpayers of Catalonia have grown again in number and global heritage.

The memory of the year 2015 with the balance of the Heritage Tax estimates that among the four Catalan provinces there are 31,951 large fortunes. Exactly 577 more than in 2014.

Among the new members of this select group, the majority has a taxable base, or net worth, between one and thirty million euros.

Base imponibles de las grandes fortunas por tramos

In fact, the number of those with more than 30 million has fallen from 123 (2014) to 118 (2015). While owners from 15 to 30 million have gone from 250 (2014) to 281 (2015). And respondents from 6 to 15 million have increased from 1,208 to 1,231.

On the whole, the total tax base of large Catalan fortunes has gradually grown in recent years. Moving from 28,783 million euros (2012) to 29,574 (2013), 31,374 (2014) and the current 31,951 (2015).

Likewise, the number of billionaires with a wealth of more than 30 million has also grown. Of the 46 largest fortunes of 2006 we have gone to 111 (2012), 112 (2013), 123 (2014) and 118 (2015).

Few changes of address

In relation to the relocations, especially towards Madrid, the General Directorate of Taxes of the Generalitat have wanted that few cases exist. Exactly 127 changes of residence to other parts of the State during the 2015 exercise (63 of them to Madrid).

A flight motivated by the increase of the declarants of the Tax on the Heritage in Catalonia. After the last fiscal amnesty, and the exemption of this payment in the Community of Madrid.

Even so, Catalonia has gained declarations of heritage and preserved some of the world’s great fortunes. Such as Isak Andic (Mango) or members of the Carulla family (holding Agrolimen).

A growing heritage

In fiscal year 2015, up to 72,588 declarations were presented for the estate tax in Catalonia. 2% more than in the previous year, equivalent to about 1,400 settlements.

While the total value of its assets and rights rose to 180,909 million euros. 62.2% was obliged to pay the tax, compared to 37.8% that was exempt from payment.

The overall taxable base of the great Catalan fortunes is 107,542 million euros (2015). After increasing by 2.2% over the previous year.

Patrimonio de las grandes fortunas por bienes y tramos

We found a large number of shares and shares in companies (42.1% of the total), various types of real estate (30.3% of the total) and both deposits and current accounts (14.7% of the total).

Among its real estate assets we find a total of 65,629 buildings of urban nature valued at 31,287 million euros. In addition to 10,952 rustic properties (529 million) and 8,351 habitual houses (2,328 million) that are excluded from the estate tax.

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