This weekend will be restless for lovers of culture in Barcelona. The Museums Night is coming together with open art workshops and the Poetry Week in Barcelona.

Plans for this weekend will go beyond the traditional ones. On this Saturday and Sunday, art lovers will meet with curious bystanders of the city and gastronomy lovers, these latter representing all of us.

Museums Night, artists morning and poets afternoon; something missing?

La Pedrera será uno centros de cultura en Barcelona que abrirá en la Noche de los Museos
La Pedrera will be one of the centres of culture in Barcelona that will be open during the Museums Night

Perhaps. Visits in between, there´s nothing better than eating or drinking something on the street

Eat Street Festival comes back to Barcelona reinventing Chef gastronomy since popular food trucks, while Markets in Barcelona concentrate on the “International Markets Week” offering a lot of activities.

Art and gastronomy meet in Barcelona in order to finish the week in the best possible way. Exploring and enjoying!

Art night

Between May Saturday 16 and Sunday 17, Barcelona´s museums and its metropolitan area are on their best.

Saturday night is also part of ‘Museums night‘, an open-door event, to which more than 80 centres of Barcelona and other municipalities (L’Hospitalet, Badalona, Sant Adriá, Santa Coloma de Gramenet y Cornellá) are joining.

El MNAC abrirá día y noche este fin de semana, en unos días pensados para disfrutar de la cultura
MNAC will be open day and night during this weekend, a good chance to enjoy culture in Barcelona

Well-known “Museums Night” is a European initiative that commemorates its 11th edition with more than 4000 museums from 40 different countries. All of them will be open at Saturday night, on the eve of a very special day.

That´s because on Sunday the International Museums Day is celebrated, a festival in which a lot of centres will be also open.

Artists and poets in Barcelona

Celebrating art may be special if it´s done together with its main creators. Artists and poets will join to this weekend aimed at seeing and feeling.

Visitar el taller de Gaudí en la Sagrada Familia. Una opción para un fin de semana de cultura en Barcelona
Visiting Gaudí´s workshop in Sagrada Familia is an option for this weekend of culture in Barcelona

Open Workshops‘ initiative offers visits to different workshops in Barcelona. Workshops are places one can live, think, feel and get to know the works of each of the artists. These activities will be celebrated with workshops in Gracia and Sarrià.

From May 12 to 18, “Barcelona Poetry Week” is celebrated. During these days, poetry will merge with music, theatre and even cinema by means of a choice of activities.

Conocer la poesía de un autor o ver la reseprentación de su obra es uno de los planes en un fin de semana de planes culturales
Getting to know a poet´s work and seeing the representation of his work are plans for this weekend of culture in Barcelona

Different spaces of the city, such as Ateneo Barcelonés, Antigua Fábrica Damm or Auditorio del MACBA will stage concerts, workshops or presentations.

This party will end with the International Poetry Festival on May 18.

Gastronomy is culture

The art of gastronomy joins to this weekend of culture in Barcelona.

Eat Street Festival arrives to Barcelona at the same time as “Museums Night”. It´s a new way of eating “out”. Chefs specialized in Eurasian gastronomy will meet in Plaza de Glories, while those specialized in American gastronomy will do it in Forum area.

La noche de la cultura en Barcelona coincidirá con el festival Eat Street
This night of culture in Barcelona will be celebrated at the same time as Eat Street Festival

This gastonomy party will be also joined by urban and very popular gastronomic spaces, markets of Barcelona.

Up to 40 markets of the city will ask for the attention of people from Barcelona in order to celebrate the 2nd edition of the initiative ‘Love your local market, with activities for everyone taking place from May 15 to 31.

It´ll include cooking workshops, activities for kids, bustle, music performances, contests and varied performances. The party will begin at 8pm and finish at midnight, after a delicious Tapas Night.

Mercados de toda Barcelona se suman a un fin de semana de cultura en Barcelona con múltiples actividades

Markets from every corner of the city join this weekend of culture in Barcelona

Museums, poetry and gastronomy lovers are looking forward to this great event. A weekend of culture in Barcelona is coming!

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