Sometimes traditional, sometimes a bit more colourful, many times creative but always impressive, shop windows in Barcelona are the result of the well-known phrase in Spanish meaning that the best shop window is Barcelona itself: ‘Barcelona, la millor botiga del món’.

With a wide commercial activity, Barcelona offers many different types of stores that compete with each other to see which one shows the most beautiful shop window of the whole city.

Some of them try to keep the traditional nature of their occupations and to mirror that nature in their shop windows. Clear examples of these are a completely renewed barber shop and a tempting bakery.

Shop windows in Barcelona are guided by new trends without totally renouncing to their own styles
Shop windows in Barcelona are guided by new trends without totally renouncing to their own styles

Some others go for design in order to show a message based on art, style and trends. Many of them are located close to Passeig de Gràcia and try to import ideas from other neighbours too.

Either for their own nature of for their innovative spirit, these are some examples of shop windows in Barcelona.

Tradition behind the glass

For those running commercial stores, the shop window has always been one of the strongest marketing tools. During the Middle Age, a metalic shoe, a coiled snake or a key have been identifying signs for shoeshops, chemists or locksmiths.

Although nowadays this practice has been set aside, there are still some stores that have chosen to stick to their tradition in Barcelona.

Some details, such as colours, may constitute a link between surgeons ans barbers, for instance. In the past, both of them used to operate and remove teeth during medieval times until they decided to take different paths. Surgeons put a red stick on their facades, whereas barbers identified themselves with white, blue and red colours.

Barber shop BCN Cuts in Barcelona unfolds new trends without leaving aside the threefold palette of colours
Barber shop BCN Cuts in Barcelona unfolds new trends without leaving aside the threefold palette of colours

The same palette of colours is also used by some traditional barber shops in Gràcia Neighbourhood, like Barbería de Gracia (C/ Torrent de l’Olla, 198), Salón Balmés (Travessera de Gràcia, 88), or the renewed BCN Cuts Barber Shop (C/ Gran de Gracia, 223).

However, this game of colours is not limited to barbers. If so, how can we account for the white and black tiles of some matresses shops with more history in the city? This pattern resembling a chess board can still be found in Matalasseria C. Castel (C/ Creu Coberta, 39) and in Lázaro (C/ Gran de Sant Andreu, 184).

The facade of this old matresses shop in Barcelona reminds us about the importance of colour for every profession
The facade of this old matresses shop in Barcelona reminds us about the importance of colour for every profession

Some centenary shops keep exactly the same design as Matalasseria Casa Bargalló (C/Providencia, 40), today a shoe shop.

This evidences that business may change but history lasts forever.

The product of an excellent work

Apart from the traditional commerce, Barcelona also has stores that are well-known all around the world.

Mostly located in Eixample Neighbourhood, the City Hall has made the attempt to recognize them in more than one occassion, by means of Barcelona Turisme. Premios Top 10 is the name of the awards for the best shop window images.

One of the latest works by Nino Álvarez, awarded among the best shop windows in Barcelona
One of the latest works by Nino Álvarez, awarded among the best shop windows in Barcelona

Among the award-winners, the most common ones are some renowned fashion brands in Barcelona, like Nino Álvarez (C/ Muntaner, 339), Santa Eulalia (Pg Gracia, 93) and Gratacós (ahora en C/ Riera de Sant Miquel, 9). These stores unfolds all their creativity when presenting their collection for the new seasons every year.

Together with them, design homewear products also receive special attention. Illumination by Punto Luz (C/ Pau Claris, 146), crafmanship by Cereria Abellà (C/ Comte Borrell, 41), personality of Raima (C/ Comtal, 27) and design by Vinçon, no longer opened, are some examples.

The shop windows by Vinçon in Barcelona saw millions of clients pass by
The shop windows by Vinçon in Barcelona saw millions of clients pass by

Artistic luxury in Barcelona

If we have to mention an avenue that has turned its stores into art galleries, we would say for sure Passeig de Gràcia. This boulevard features luxury brands, which turn their stores into real artistic masterpieces.

Loewe is the most popular example. After the opening of Loewe Gallery (Pg Gracia, 91) in the heart of Barcelona, this exclusive fashion brand has decided to merge the traditional concept of store with the emerging pop up stores.

Loewe Gallery in Barcelona is now one of a kind store, with a space dedicated to art and luxury
Loewe Gallery in Barcelona is now one of a kind store, with a space dedicated to art and luxury

That is why, the second Loewe store on the luxury boulevard in Barcelona has become the shop window for the latest collection of accessories designed by the great John Allen. The introduction has also been made at the same time of the exhibition of a collection of tapestry by the British artist.

Again on Passeig de Gràcia, Hermés also wanted to take advantege of the opportunity to give its personal touch to the city.

The place has been the famous store of the well-known French brand in the Catalan capital, known as La Maison des Carrés (Pg Gracia, 77). Until last May 30th, the venue of Hermés in Barcelona featured 15 spaces designed by illustrator Pierre Marie in an unprecedented exhibition.

Maison des Carrés on Passeig de Gràcia features one of the most original shop windows in Barcelona
Maison des Carrés on Passeig de Gràcia features one of the most original shop windows in Barcelona

Recreating old professions, innovating season after season or exhibiting art trends, the city can also be enjoyed throughout a glass.

These are shop windows in Barcelona!

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