During last years of recession several architectural and artistic projects have left undone, but they are now starting to see the light. 2016 will be an important year for redesigning and construction of buildings in Barcelona. Some institutions are being updated therefore they have also to change its facade. Two examples are: Gran Teatre del Liceu and FC Barcelona. Also the Hermitage Barcelona and the future Woody Allen’s museum are looking for a spot in the old quarters of the town.

Imagen de l'Escola d'Arts i Oficis de Barcelona en mitad del barrio Gótico / © Pere prlpz
Art School in Gothic quarters of Barcelona / © Pere prlpz

Sala Beckett, one of the greatest theatres of Barcelona is moving to Poblenou.

This year 2016 is full of new architectural projects in Barcelona.

Barcelona, city of football & opera

Some of the greatest buildings of iconic institutions of the city are in project of renovation within this year 2016. One of them is Football Club Barcelona (FCB), which is going to open a public tender for Camp Nou‘s (FCB stadium) refurbishment, the new Palau Blaugrana and the move of the Miniestadi (small stadium of FCB) to Sant Joan Despí.

Imagen de un proyecto para el futuro Camp Nou, nueva joya de la arquitectura de Barcelona / © FCBarcelona
Picture of the project of the future Camp Nou. It will be one of the new iconic buildings of Barcelona / © FCBarcelona

Six projects for the new Palau and eight projects for the Camp Nou are, nowadays, being considered. The works will start in 2017 with a budget of 600 million euros and expected to be finished in February 2021.

Another iconic building awaiting for its renewal is the Gran Teatre del Liceu (Les Rambles, 51-59). There is already a project for remodelling its facade signed by the artist Frederic Amat and funded by Josep Sunyol. It is a revolutionary proposal of a design of the facade that includes 170 enamelled stoneware rings in this building listed as Cultural Interest.

Recreación del proyecto de Frederic Amat para la fachada del Liceu de Barcelona / © Gran Teatre del Liceu
Representation of the project for the facade of Liceu de Barcelona by Frederic Amat / © Gran Teatre del Liceu

The project wants to include Liceu in the scenery of La Rambla and Raval, nevertheless, the project is still on standby because of its visual impact and awaits for the approval of Barcelona Borough Council.


Paintings and cinema in Barcelona’s architecture

Gothic Quarter in Barcelona has been the subject of speculation about installing new museums, projects waiting for their final push in 2016. One of the already known names is Hermitage Museum. This giant of art coming from Russia will stir up Barcelona’s art scene with international repercussion. Previous rumours said that the museum could be placed in already existing buildings in the Old Town, but it seems that finally, Hermitage Museum will be built as a new facility in the Port Vell, where the Customs are (Pg Josep Carner, 27).

El edificios de la Aduana de Barcelona podría acoger el Hermitage Barcelona / © Flickr/Jorge Lascar
Customs building in Barcelona’s Port may be the new spot for Hermitage Museum / © Flickr/Jorge Lascar

Hermitage Museum will be a future gallery with 4,000 square meters of extension near the port of Barcelona.

In the middle of Gothic quarter, the classic building of the former School of Arts and Crafts of Barcelona called Llotja (Veronica Square) has also been studied as a future study centre. Also, becouse of an initiative of Mediapro, Barcelona could host the first museum dedicated to filmmaker Woody Allen. The New Yorker and director of ‘Vicky Cristina Barcelona’ comes back to the city to settle in a three-storey building of 2,000 m2, a centre of study of his work and all his movies. Despite of neighbours disagreement, the project of Woody Allen Centre is very interesting.


Place for creation and experimental acting

Unesco announced in 2015: Barcelona is City of Literature and one of the Creative Cities Network. One of the best ways to honour this award is performing some of the best plays during the Theatre Day. The new Sala Beckett will be launched in 2016.


La futura Sala Beckett en mitad del Poblenou, está rehabilitando una de las nuevas obras de la arquitectura de Barcelona
Picture of the building where the future new Sala Beckett is going to be placed in Poblenou

Poblenou might be the new place for theatre in Barcelona. The new headquarters of Beckett will be the building of the former cooperative Pau i Justicia (C / Batista, 15), centre of creation and part of this new project of ‘Creation Factories’ of Barcelona, and dreams of hosting the Casa dels Autors Teatrals de Barcelona.



This project and many others will take place within this year 2016.

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