Primavera Sound, which is considered to be the main musical festival in the world by some people, is about to begin in Barcelona. Fifteen years after its first edition, this famous event of indie music keeps reinventing itself and seducing its public even more.

The fifteenth birthday of Primavera Sound will again be celebrated in el Parc del Fórum. The event of indie music with major impact returns to Barcelona expecting to exceed the numbers of its anterior editions.

The Strokes, one of the most famous bands in the alternative music scene, will perform in the festival
The Strokes, one of the most famous bands in the alternative music scene, will perform in the festival

If the edition of 2001 had 7700 visitors, the past edition of 2014 brought together 191800 people. Primavera Sound anually leaves in Barcelona about 100 million of euro, which constitutes 5,8% of GDP of the city (Data: Dentsu Aegis), being in the Top 5 of Barcelona events.

In 2015, the festival expects to reunite 150000 people on the 28th, the 29th and the 30th of may with 217 participating artists or bands.

The majority of the events will take place in the zone of Forum, although all the city will take part in the event.

Primavera is already in the city!

Cataluña – the land of music

With the beginning of Primavera Sound the season of musical festivals begin. These are the months during which nearly 360 festivals take place with 12120 visitors and the economic impact of 300 million (Data: Conselleria de Cultura. Generalitat de Catalunya).

The stage of Primavera Sound during one of its numerous concerts
The stage of Primavera Sound during one of its numerous concerts

The final annual number of visitors constitutes one million and a half of people which are a part of a big agenda of musical festivals. Some of them are older than the others, although a recent ranking of 50 best festivals of the world placed Primera Sound on the 1st place and the electronic Sonar on the 5th (Data: Time Out).

Image of Primavera Sound in the zone Forum of Barcelona close to the sea
Image of Primavera Sound in the zone Forum of Barcelona close to the sea

There is a big variation of musical styles, although pop-rock and classical music are the most frequent. At the beginning of summer music begins to sound much louder in the city.

The big ones from indie music scene

The epicentre of Primavera Sound will take place in Parc del Forum which will be already open on Wendesday 27th to hold a free event for general public.

Nevetheless, the big programme will happen from Thursday 28th till Saturday 30th. During 3 days nearly 50 performances a day of excellent bands with original style could be enjoyed by the visitors.

From the 28th to the 30th of May the visitors will enjoy the best indie music in Primavera Sound of Barcelona
From the 28th to the 30th of May the visitors will enjoy the best indie music in Primavera Sound of Barcelona

The first stars will arrive on Thursday: The Black Keys, The Replacements and Richie Hawtin.

The inexaustible Patti Smith, the much awaited Ride and the unmistakable Belle & Sebastian will perform on Friday.

One of the biggest bands, The Strokes, will arrive on Saturday. A very popular and much awaited post-punk group, Interpol, will perform the same day.

The agenda of Primavera Sound 2015 also includes such big bands, as The Black Keys
The agenda of Primavera Sound 2015 also includes such big bands, as The Black Keys

In Fórum, 193 performances will take place which will add to 102 concerts of ‘Primavera en la ciudad‘ – series of concerts anterior or posterior to the 3 days of Primavera Sound.

The performances in Forum will take place in 8 main scenes and 2 small ones together with tents and a children zone.

Richie Hawtin is one of the stars of electronic music, he will arrive in Barcelona for Primavera Sound
Richie Hawtin is one of the stars of electronic music, he will arrive in Barcelona for Primavera Sound

An enormous space of 180.000 square metres with the best music.

PrimaveraPro: the industry of Primavera Sound

At the same time with Primavera Sound an international meeting of the music industry will take place. PrimaveraPro is an event for professionals which will touch upon the topics of the sector on the agenda.

Interpol, a rock and post-punk band from New York will also perform at Primavera Sound
Interpol, a rock and post-punk band from New York will also perform at Primavera Sound

In 2015, PrimaveraPro changes its location for the centre of Barcelona. The event will take place at the Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona) situated in the Raval district.

The sixth edition of PrimaveraPro will have two congresses of international character. On Wednesday 27th one about Independent Labels and on Thursday 28thy the other focusing on Concert Halls.

The list of well-known bands of Primavera Sound is very big and the quality is indisputable
The list of well-known bands of Primavera Sound is very big and the quality is indisputable

The event has the programme of about 90 activities with 140 speakers to debate about momentous topics for the future of music: services of streaming, challenges of music festivals and strategies for new markets.

A great time to come to Barcelona and spend time enjoying one of its biggest events – Primavera Sound 2015.

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