An alternative model is gaining ground in culture, the new bookshops of Barcelona. Their secret: proximity and the knowledge to value the reading.

Are you one of those who only buy books or who enjoy from the beginning to the end?

Despite the crisis that has led to close a Catalan bookshop every two days, the industry reinvents itself with new formats. Places where the Best Sellers are welcome, but they offer minority genres and authors as well.

They all have in common the direct contact and treatment with the costumer, the specialization and the organization of parallel activities that enrich a healthy habit: to read.

The new bookshops of Barcelona want to enrich our particular library
The new bookshops of Barcelona want to enrich our library /Unsplash/Visual

Small establishments that have emerged as cultural energizers, and that in some cases that space has outgrown them.

Away from the historical centre of Barcelona, the success of their proposal is in not looking to sell books but to create a community of readers.

A model that defies the present circumstances and does not fight against the hypermarkets, but worth remembering when approaching Sant Jordi (Saint George).

4 bookshops in Barcelona that impulse the culture

Nollegiu (C/ Pons i Subirà, 3, Barcelona)

The small bookshop on Amistat Poble Nou street has become bigger, and recently occupies the site of the old boutique “Juanita”. A move in which many of the neighbors participated to help this active library and cultural agitator where something is always happening. The experience of meeting its new location, spread over three floors, makes us look and look again for every book in there, and totally worth it.

Maria Notó y Xavier Vidal son los libreros de Nollegiu en Poblenou
Maria Notó and Xavier Vidal are the booksellers of Nollegiu in Poblenou/Foto:Nollegiu

Calders (Passatge Pere Calders, 9, Barcelona)

Defining itself as a “specialist in books and having the name of one of the best writers of the neighbourhood of Sant Antoni”, Calders was doomed to success. With a large space that celebrates now its two years, Calders meets a library, a cafe and a piano event acts. Just like that!

+ Bernat (C/Buenos Aires, 6, Barcelona)

Born from the initiative of different partners, the +Bernat bookshop has become the revitalizing and the cultural store of the old Esquerra of the Example area. In addition to buying books, +Bernat allows us to participate in a long list of activities and enjoy the ‘analogue’ (or digital) reading in the cafeteria.

+Bernat is one of the bookshops with more activity in the city
+Bernat is one of the bookshops with more activity in the city/Foto:La Impossible

Casa Usher (C/ Santaló, 79, Barcelona)

The impulse of two booksellers brought to Sant Gervasi this bookshop that selects with care the gems of the small publishers. Casa Usher Llibreters also organizes events related or not with literature, such as a wine tasting. This area, the oenology, gives importance to spaces like the backyard or to the value fact that the bookshop occupies an old winery.

3 cooperative and associative bookshops

Pebre Negre (C/ Clot, 41, Barcelona)

Created by three partners, this cooperative bookshop in the Clot area is specialized in gastronomy with a carefully selected offer that includes authentic bibliographic gems. At the same time, they organize tastings of literary inspiration, various activities and even children’s reading workshops.

Among the libreries of Barcelona with parallel activities we can find Pebre Negre
Among the libreries of Barcelona with parallel activities we can find Pebre Negre

La Caníbal (C/ Nàpols, 314, Barcelona)

Emphasizing the recognition and the reflection, La Caníbal is a reference in critical essay of philosophical issues from various literary genres. Created as a cooperative and, infected by the ‘gracienc’ character, the bookshop does not comfort itself with just being one more bookshop of Barcelona. Books which are hard to find and the bookseller own wisdom make this bookshop a trusted place for the reader.

Espai Contrabandos (C/ Junta de Comerç, 20, Barcelona)

Contrabandos is a set space which merged from the union of 17 independent publishers. Inside, each publisher has its own corner, but external publishers are also welcome.

In addition to selling, Constrabandos programes various activities from presentations to literary itineraries. Everything that is needed to orient the reader, without leaving apart a place to rest and to enjoy the reading.

3 specialized bookshops in Barcelona

La Memòria (Pl Vila de Gràcia, 19, Barcelona)

Created by historians, in the bookshop La Memòria essays, biographies and historical novels are a must. Its shelves are full of excellent works and some lulls, of interesting activities.

La Impossible (C/ Provenca, 232, Barcelona)

With almost three years of history, La Impossible has become the reference bookshop in Catalan books of Barcelona. Its background is the result of a careful selection and never miss the latest publications. Despite their expertise, they also have books in other languages, as well as a schedule full of activities.

La Impossible, one of the specialized bookshops of Barcelona
La Impossible, one of the specialized bookshops of Barcelona/Foto:La Impossible

Ona Llibres (C/ Gran de Gracia, 217, Barcelona)

Among the most established bookshops we could not miss Ona, which reopened in Gracia after closing in Gran Via. Ona Llibres, specialized in books in Catalan, continuing a committed career that began in 1962. It’s a long way since then!

1 and thousands of fantasy genre bookshops

Gigamesh (C/ Bailèn, 8, Barcelona)

With over 20 years of history, Gigamesh came to have three establishments in the known as “the freak triangle of Barcelona”. All of them, eventually merge into the larger space of fantasy literature in Europe. Its 500 m2 distributed in 6 km of shelves offer books, merchandising, games and items for collectors.

The Freak Triangle has 15 establishments adding up stores and bookshops in Barcelona
The Freak Triangle has 15 establishments adding up stores and bookshops in Barcelona

Along with Gigamesh, Norma Comics (Pg. Sant Joan, 9, Barcelona) was the store which gave rise to the current establishments. A reference in comics and manga, to which we could add others.

Come to Barcelona and enjoy reading in all forms!

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